I only recently found out the Mazda 5 was a thing. I think my brain always just categorized them as an MPV, but further away than it looks, or something.
I only recently found out the Mazda 5 was a thing. I think my brain always just categorized them as an MPV, but further away than it looks, or something.
We shouldn't be afraid of who we are, but we should certainly dread 5 hours in the makeup/prosthetics chair.
I appreciated the Gordie Howe photo near the Poutine Pyramid--the same one Bart used to catfish Mrs K.
But good old wholesome violence is perfectly okay. They just can’t have any of that supernatural stuff, or the pearl-clutchers would start throwing Disney merch on their bonfires.
Nope, I'm perfectly calm. Maybe you're projecting?
Waiting for what, Unca Donald? Something else to send you into a spitting, red-faced tizzy for no apparent reason?
Right? The first thing I thought reading this post was “Meanwhile, I’m part of Gen X—remember us? *sigh* No, nobody does.”
People pay a ridiculous amount for things just to have a logo on them. That’s the athletic clothing industry’s whole business model. People also pay a ridiculous amount for things for their pets. How is Honda the only one getting in on this synergistic chance to overcharge?
You’re being so stupid now that it must be a Borat impression or something. Try to think (it’s that thing your brain does where pictures appear even without a T.V.) before you post, because you’re not making any sense.
No, cheating is very much an enormous character flaw.
It takes two to cheat. She participated in a cheating relationship.
I demand you immediately stop using the words “stuff”, “edgy”, and “crutch”. They offend me, so you’re not allowed to use them ever again.
I agree that invading her privacy was wrong. Cheating is also wrong, and should not be excused with the "everybody does it" handwave.
Blood on the Sand is _fantastic_. Mechanically, it's a competent but unremarkable shooter. But it's so ridiculous, and knowingly so, that it is incredibly entertaining to play.
You really are demented if you think I’m the one acting like a petulant child. I pointed out—very mildly— something you wrote. You then completely flipped your shit and have been whining and lashing out about it ever since. You’re obviously not capable of desirous of rational conversation, so I’m just enjoying the…
I was going to suggest Dianetics as the precursor to the Scientology scam, or Atlas Shrugged because I’m so tired of narcissistic college sophomores thinking it was written about them and loudly proclaiming their Randian idiocy at people, but Mein Kampf is a better answer.
This. All the characters in CW were acting irrationally, but it was because they had pressure applied to deep-rooted emotional triggers—family.
Just because a lot of people do it doesn't mean it's okay. Cheating is a shitty thing to do, no matter how much shitty company you have.
She was participating in a cheating relationship. She’s okay with cheating, so I can understand why SAAD would have trust issues. I don’t think he should have invaded her privacy to find it out, but I can understand why it would give him pause.