Cray Cray Supercomputer

The point of these filling in the center things may not be about more filling, but controlling the ratio of ice cream to filling on your spoon. Instead of random chunks interspersed, you can scoop a little ice cream from the outside and a little filling from the middle and create your ideal spoonful each time.

Be careful. If you dare to say anything that isn’t abjectly fawning about Nintendo around here you will get flamed and then have your account suspended for daring to blaspheme the Great and Mighty N.

I have trouble with the idea of confusing Jake and Gina. Even dressed identically and seeing them from behind, they have very different hair colors.

“You may not be smart

Something something downforce, something something.

Trump claimed responsibility on national TV. I’m sure you just call video evidence “fake news” and ignore it, but not everyone is so willfully stupid. Trump is having a temper tantrum until he gets his stupid, useless wall, no matter who it hurts. He doesn’t give a crap about federal workers.

Wait, are you telling me that the gripping Hostess fruit pie storyline in Spider-Man was just an ad? I’ve been grappling with the biblical imagery of the apple all this time for nothing!?

I also waited to play NMS until after the NEXT update, and I really enjoy it as a game to tune out and veg with. A friend of mine asked me when I mentioned it if it seemed like there was any point to the game, having heard the complaints. I had to answer that I wasn’t really looking for it to have a point.

I’d rather he spent prison time in, say, North Korea or something, but if France is the only country that will step up, so be it.

No hatch on my car, but I find the the best way to get a breeze without too much noise is to crack the sunroof and rear passenger window.

I loved that.  He didn't even question that it was happening, he just wanted to know why.

People who like spoilers just can’t imagine that someone else may sure it differently. Knowing the twist in a movie is fine for rewatching, seeing the subtle hints, but IMO is a terrible way to watch it the first time. Some people may think otherwise, and they’re free to spoil the movie for themselves if that’s their

I may have completely missed the intended message in your original post. Not too surprising—my sarcasm detector was made in a now-defunct Society Bloc nation. It’s a bit temperamental and only outputs in Cyrillic characters I don’t understand.

You joke, but without Ramis there to temper Aykroyd's lunacy I'm worried about this script.

I disagree. The first movie was lightning in a bottle and any attempt to recreate it is destined to disappoint. Ghostbusters 2 showed that even with the same cast and crew they couldn’t come close.

Yep. I’m not at all religious, think all religion is nonsense, but I celebrate Christmas. I just do a secular version, which is easy since all the good parts of the holiday were stolen from the pagans anyway. I figure that if Christians can cram Jesus into the holiday, I can take him right back out again.

They stayed in the locker room because they are not allowed to kneel peacefully during the anthem on the court. So they stayed in their locker room to avoid the racist troglodytes in the audience forming a mob of “hurr durr, insult to our troops derpy derp!"

Obama isn’t a racist. Trump’s whole political career is based on racism. They are not the same thing in any way. 

Well, the kids weren’t allowed to kneel for the anthem—that’s why they stayed in their locker room. The Jordan team can have their Trump flag in their locker room to sieg heil all they want, but not in the court/stands.

I’ve been grinding my own coffee beans since just after the 9/11 attacks and there hasn’t been a plane hijacked since I started. Obviously, grinding my own beans makes air travel safe.