Cray Cray Supercomputer

The ride-on vacuum cleaner was the only thing that I actually laughed at in this episode.

Shouldn’t that caption place the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine, or are we all just rolling over and just letting Putin steal whatever he wants?

No, I’m not flirting with you. Still clueless on how it works, huh?

What’s being compared is the annoying behavior of adults. An annoying pet owner can act in ways similar to an annoying parent of juvenile humans.

“I still say that Star Trek (2009) is far and away the best Trek movie ever made”

“I still say that Star Trek (2009) is far and away the best Trek movie ever made”

You should never flirt. You specifically, not everyone, because you seem to have some fucked-up ideas of what flirting is, especially with someone you’ve just met. No leering, dirty jokes, or “hey, wanna fuck?” is needed to flirt, and should actively be avoided until you get a read on the other person's feelings.

You can buy Bethesda games. Just wait until a year or two after release to do it, when it might be patched enough to be playable.

I’d never try to play a Bethesda game the first year if its release, so I didn’t buy ‘76 (probably will somewhere down the line), but I’m very entertained by the slow motion trainwreck going on. I should make some popcorn.

One of Nintendo’s two unofficial slogans is “Nintendo: buy it again! (full price)"

Go fuck yourself, Louis.  But stop making people watch, you disgusting sack of shit.

I’d go with “vanuck”, so one in Canada would be a Canuck vanuck.

I think it’s time for a modern rewrite where instead of what other people will think, the pressures are finishing a report for work, going to the grocery store since their fridge is empty, etc. Today’s pressures.  The temptation is to shine it all on and keep on with the Netflix and chill, use GrubHub to order in,

As a fellow wine non-enthusiast, I do enjoy a glass of Manischewitz now and then.  As somebody else in here said, it's like hard grape juice.  The other one I enjoy is Fuki plum wine, for the same reason--tastes like fruit juice, but has alcohol.

She almost went with a couple of other names before settling on Abcde:

It’s a pain. For instance, my name is spelled “Deez nutz,” but it’s pronounced “Daniel.” Why can’t people figure that out? I get such funny looks!

I can see that for Hugh Grant’s character. Andie McDowell is too bland to get a read on. The friends were OK... they may be a little snarky and enjoy watching others stumble, but they weren’t obnoxious about it.

It wasn’t just Scott, for me. Everybody in that movie was unlikeable. They were all selfish, pretentious, tiresome idiots and I honestly didn’t care what happened to any of them. A meteor could have dropped out of the sky and crushed the entire town and I would have been fine with it.

But not the Jared Leto or Juaquin Phoenix version of the Joker--a third one.  Also, the scarab is also a Joker.  And both of Jaime's parents.

It was the storage prices that kept me from getting a Vita, and I think it's what kept it from succeeding. I simply cannot support that kind of fuckery, Sony.

one bite [of bagel] felt like I ate a loaf of bread.”