What if I came to you and said that I have a great technology that will be a convenience to the world, but you need to die for it. You’d be happy to ‘sacrifice’ yourself?
What if I came to you and said that I have a great technology that will be a convenience to the world, but you need to die for it. You’d be happy to ‘sacrifice’ yourself?
Since the players in autonomous vehicles refuse to consider the safety of the public, and lawmakers fall over themselves to enable that attitude, I think what we need is to warn the public.
They need to do YEARS more testing in a closed environment before risking the lives of the public with their half-assed, buggy tech. The only reason they’re rushing it is because they care more about profits than people’s lives. Which is apparently a popular opinion around here.
Eh. Charms, Dum Dums... they’re all just a bunch of suckers.
I got what you were going for with the joke. It was fine, IMO. If I was going to armchair quarterback it a I’d say the Scooby meme was the way to go:
Right... jokes are exactly what Oliver tells. Not every word is a punchline—there is setup and there is reaction. Amongst the jokes. He sometimes exclaims in a silly way, sure... In between telling jokes.
So, you’ve never watched Last Week Tonight is the point you’re trying to convey? Because he mocks awful people a LOT. He even got sued for telling cutting (but true) jokes about a mining mogul.
I like it! Then when I’m surrounded by empty Marg glasses and slowly sinking under the table and I get that look from a passer-by, I can yell at them “What? I’m just bulking up. Do you even lift, bro?”
Sure, but they do get together and use time travel together, so bad influence. And who’s going to want their kid hanging around with Mick?
Yeah, none of your guesses are accurate (I’m a vegetarian, like beer but not Bud, watch some of the postseason only in football, and can’t imagine watching a bunch of people make a left turn for 2 hours), but they do show that people can get siloed into broad generalizations about anyone who isn’t like them.
Needs more random exes jammed in... Gingxrbrexd perxonsx. More exes means more woke!
Pffft, silly British toffs, behind the times again. We’ve had bowl and fork technology in the U.S. for _decades_ now! Just wait until they get a load of what we’re working on now... The next royal wedding will have each guest given a saucepan full of food, a mixing spoon to eat with, and a sink to stand over.
Well, great. Now I’ve rolled my eyes so hard my retinas have detached. NYC is not more “America” than any other city, town, or cornfield in the country.
Yep, I’m paying for this meal, so I want it to taste how I like it, not how the chef likes it. Maybe those are close, maybe not, but I’m the one paying for it and I’m the one eating it, so my way wins.
It’s an OK poem torturously mapped over a drinking song’s tune and almost no one can sing it without it sounding like two alley cats having angry sex, IMO. I’d take O Canada in a heartbeat.
“Nora, have you been messing around with time? You know that’s no good for you! Who got you into this—was it your uncle Wally and his seedy friends?”
Just be prepared: all the sets are tiny and dark. It’s really oppressive and put me off the show at first. Maybe with Amazon money they can afford a less dungeon-like studio.
They do show the acid blood in Aliens, including Hicks getting splashed and badly burned. Acid blood or not, though, the only reason they didn’t use guns in the first movie was that they didn’t have any.
*sigh* Where did I say anything about explosions, etc.?
Springsteen never committed an atrocity on the scale of Uptown Girl. I still say Joel should get hauled in front of the human rights commission at the Hague for that.