I am a vegetarian and there is a lot of anger directed at us that I don’t understand. I don’t try to make anybody else’s food decisions for them, I just don’t eat meat myself.
I am a vegetarian and there is a lot of anger directed at us that I don’t understand. I don’t try to make anybody else’s food decisions for them, I just don’t eat meat myself.
I almost stopped watching after the pilot because of Samberg. I didn’t hate him from SNL, but I found him exhausting in anything but small doses.
@Midnight ragged on the Cheesecake Factory until it publicly surrendered and offered them free cheesecake to cease hostilities.
“The article focuses on younger demographics, with no mention of adult collector-types, eager to get their hands on the new Lando Calrissian doll.”
“By shooting on HD digital video tape...”
I don’t know... Feldman is pretty irritating. I could see him needing people to stop him from getting punched on the regular.
If a bunch of people had just attacked your car and were fighting with your bodyguards in the street, wouldn’t you maybe lock your door? I think I probably would.
Yep, for $27k I was thinking a nice road-legal used Miata with plenty of funds left to treat the chronic grin plastered on my face from driving it.
Their society is so repressed that not even celestial bodies are allowed to behave naturally.
“When you’re guilty and there’s no hiding your guilt, you admit it and try to move on”
Yeah, Uber REALLY wants this to go away, will throw some decent money at it of they have to.
Trump voters chose hatred. They endorsed and elected it. I’m fine with writing them off the way they wrote off decency, equality, and sanity.
Ray had better be training in combat, because he just refuses to ever wear his super-suit.
Maybe a combination of not being able to spell and thinking you were a hobbit?
“many Trump voters you are generalizing as bigots, sexists, and homophobes who do not consider themselves (and actually aren’t) such.”
I... completely missed that one. In my defense, I don’t eat meat, so have only passing familiarity with the in-jokes. But yeah, humor detector fail.
I finally saw JL on the home release and I can say that it’s less awful than BvS. In fact, other than Wonder Woman it was the least awful entry in the DCCU. That’s not saying much, of course.
But don’t worry, he’s absolutely _drenched_ in cologne. So he smells like B.O. and porpoise hork—very French.
Why? Because she didn’t let a waiter force her to have her food prepared his way?
License the Johnny Cash song and call it One Piece at a Time.