
Do it.

We get ours from Costco (not always Tasty Bite, but similar products from different brands). No Grocery Outlet nearby, unfortunately :(

Honestly, frozen and pre-packaged food as come a loooong way. It’s not too hard to find something that’s tasty and still somewhat nutritious.

The best part of quarantine is now I’ve had an excuse to add a tater tots and fish sticks to my shopping list. Ostensibly, it’s to hit curbside pick-up order minimums, but the real reason is because now is the best time to eat like a kid again, away from the judging eyes of co-workers.

It was also to buy us time to get disease surveillance programs up to speed. Other nations have shown that strong testing and contact tracing programs are critical for keeping infection levels under control without repeatedly disrupting the economy with lockdowns. Unfortunately, we’ve more or less failed spectacularly

I mean, he did trip and the same way that someone might trip and fall after getting shoved down a flight of stairs.

Yo, just keep one of these bad boys in your kitchen and have an awesome ginger drink any time, hot or cold:

RIP, Black Mercy concept for Overwatch:

Voting at small elections might even have a bigger impact for your day-to-day living conditions than bigger elections.

Rachel’s character always struck me as just...Lea Michele, except given free rein to break into song. The dirty looks she’d give other cast members who shared a number were probably genuine, too.

Same. You were either playing this, or The Oregon Trail (Deluxe).

Please. You don’t deserve to play a shark until you’ve survived a week as a silver sprat:

Maybe? I suspect they just hit enter whenever there’s a small break in their train of thought without realizing that all the extra line breaks makes the message nearly unreadable if it goes on long enough.

I mean, that’s fine! “Sometimes” is very different than “all the time.”

Hell, I’d appreciate it if some of the people that text me at least try to form a complete thought before sending. There are at least a handful of them that seem to hit enter after every few words because they’re afraid that the message will disappear forever if they don’t send it RIGHT NOW and I get 8 rapid-fire

The article really does take on a whole new flavor if you read it as “telepathy” in all the subheaders.

They’re probably saying a cop could already do this by locking someone in the car on a hot day.

I was actually secretly describing a Prius, which definitely doesn’t use premium gas, but it does drive like something that values efficiency at all costs.

From a purely fuel cost perspective, the Model 3 likely would beat out both (marginally).

Fast charging (or just charging at public chargers) is generally pretty expensive, supercharger or not. You’re paying for convenience and peak hour pricing.