
Funny, because randomly calling yourself something that youre not i.e. Some made up gender, or identifying as a teddy bear—actually IS crazy.

not really.

I know right? Ridiculous. lol

Everyone has problems, but most people dont try to bend the world and force everyone around them to lie just so they can feel like they dont.

You can write that with a straight face? they dont have impact on peoples lives? Thats the whole problem right there, is that they ARE affecting peoples lives because of a forced agenda to reengineer the world to the minority groups liking. When I see numbskulls telling their children they can ‘choose their gender’

wrong. You dont get to simply force people to accept your delusions and force them to contribute to altering society into a non reality of their choosing at everyones expense—taxpayers shouldn’t have to fund their need to live in fantasy land and force them to tell their children that the two genders that they see and

The thing you’re exaggerating is the contempt for the people he was criticizing in the first place. YOU are projecting that on to his statement and used your projections to add weight to your venom i.e. Him——>“ I feel like if I disagree that the earth is cubic the people who believe it is try to shut me down and

what nonsense? hahahahaha you people are seriously messed up. It reminds me of the movie ‘No country for old men’. Woody Harrelson says to the hit man right before he kills him “ do you have any idea how crazy you are”

“I don’t want to be made to feel ashamed when I express my TRUTHFUL opinions”.There thats better. And that is why you shut him down, because you cant handle that word. Because it threatens your utopian dogma the same way telling a religious zealot there is no god. <—-truth, can you handle it? can you see it right

hahaha unreal. Not only can he not say there are only two genders or else be railed against, he cant even say how he cant say without getting railed against. Lmao, seriously, take a loooong look in to the abyss. Whats looking back at you is a giant evil unicorn.

yeah great leap of logic there. “ Were not allowed to argue that the earth is round” “ You’re a NAZI!!!!!” You people are something else.

First of all, no there isn’t no matter how much you dream of a world where there are, or how much if you and your ilk try to obi wan kenobi everyone and yourself that there are, will that fill in the holes of your woeful self esteem. Some science doesn’t need to be reexamined i.e., the earth is round, and gasp!