
Sounds like a pretty normal reaction if that was how Catherine reveals her gender identity to him.

Oh, also how on earth did the First Order get so powerful as to completely overturn what seems to be 30 years of Rebel foundation? To the point the rebels are literally annihilated to the 0.00001%?

What you get when you try to follow modern trends, especially since in big budget movies creativity is nonexistent - do the predictable, do the cliche, get that money, because that’s all that matters.

Microtransactions started out as a choice for gamers to enjoy extra content. Then it became the oppositeletter.

This is good. In general I do agree that kids should be kept away from these things until they can responsibly spend their money.

There is also an age restriction on credit cards so as to prevent kids from spending frivolously with it. Since you actually need credit card info to make an online transaction, that means the people who bought lootboxes are 1) NOT kids or 2) kids who have extremely irresponsible adults who allow their kids to gamble

And your credit card age restriction is 18 in US, so yes, you are regulated from purchasing lootboxes. The fact that you still did means that either you bought it knowing the responsibility, bought it not knowing the responsibility and is thus an idiot, or is an ignorant child whose parents had absolutely failed at

But you’re not forced to buy their lootboxes... I can change all the items in your example into ‘lootboxes’ and they’ll shoot you in your own foot...

‘Hopelessly addicted’? Not even drugs are hopeless addictions unless someone has been biologically ingrained to have a hopeless addiction. No, if you’ve spent over thousands on microtransactions you’re either physically really ill like TB, who has cancer and can be forgiven to spend his money a little frivolously,

If you spent over $10,000 on microtransactions when you’re just 19, then:

Don’t forget stricter parenting.

Open world maybe, but I’m not playing a Japanese dungeon crawler game without a mini map. Do you have any idea how difficult those games can get?

With this kind of humor, I would play Pokewatch all day and night.

No sane businessman will do away a superior form of advertisement with superior profits until something even better is founded.

For a nation who champions freedom there sure are a lot of people whining that the government aren’t putting chains on them and stopping them from abusing their rights for pleasure...

Like lambs throwing themselves into slaughter, it will be.

If you have the strength to resist ads you have the strength to resist lootboxes. Those who don’t, well, probably deserve what they get for their poor consumer habits.

Like how you own the right to live in the country, right?

I think the real question is, what on earth were you thinking giving a child a credit card and allow them to make absolutely irresponsible purchases.

Sounds like a lot of this outrage could be solved by just... not buying lootboxes. If the customers are stupid enough to spend money on what is obviously going to result in unworty return, if the ‘adults’ can’t be bothered to regulate their own children’s behavior, why should sellers be responsible for the customer’s