
wtf? If it “all tastes the same” then:

1. You have never had high quality coffee
2. Or maybe there is something wrong with your tastebuds, e.g. pain pills can dull your taste buds; smoking also, etc.
3. You have never had high quality coffee.

There is a definite difference between low and high quality coffee that is

Do you think Goodell actually says “Bring out the Gimp.” when they need Peter King’s services or does he merely think it?

So the Royals pitchers are “Surly little shits” and “Thugs” when they throw at guys, but this motherfucker is labeled as “Keeping the Met’s alive.”

Are you fucking kidding me? Herrera was fucking skewered for throwing a ball 2 fucking feet behind Brett Lawrie, which people labeled as the “head area,” and this wanna-be

This doesn’t make “bullets” non-lethal, it makes a single bullet non lethal, it’s only good for one shot, while the gun it’s attached to can still hold multiple lethal rounds after the first shot is fired. And we know from recent history that cops rarely fire just one round from their hair trigger weapons when