Money, guns, and coffee

Ah, yes.  I remember my thirties.  Thank God I’m done with all that.

Please don’t make me go on Twitter. Any hamburger that you eat without going on Twitter is better than all the hamburgers eaten while on Twitter, put together.

Chris Pine is still the only Chris who has (correctly) identified Trinity “The Tuck” Taylor as one of the standout queens of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season Ten on live national television. (Mic drop.)

A Nobel Peace Prize for Trump? Sure. It’s going to be peaceful AF around here once all of us are dead.

No one’s going to look at any comments at this point, but whose bonehead idea was it to chop up the photos so you can’t see the dresses? Was Mike Pence taking these pictures???

I always thought the perfect GoT character for Shangela was Renly Baratheon - wildly popular for no good reason, and trying to take the crown away from people who actually have a legitimate claim to it.

I will not Jodie Foster this kind of behavior.