
I started watching this when I had binged everything else I could think of and Mozart in the Jungle kept staring at me from my Amazon Prime home page. I had absolutely no idea what it was about - in fact I thought it was a historical drama - but that tiny, sexy elf GGB will ALWAYS woo me.

I was DYING for a Talking Cabbage Patch doll in the late ‘80s. I ended up getting one for Christmas and was SOOOOO happy...for about two days because that bitch started shutting down for hours and when she woke back up she’d only talk about spinach. My parents finally took it back to Toys R Us but I didn’t get a

Oh so many to choose from

Good for them. I live in the fine mitten-state and have always had a turkey to eat, but I’m appreciative of the act.

I saw this yesterday in “Xtreme” - which is slightly higher priced but better screen quality and sound (plus super comfortable seats). Definitely see this in an enhanced setting if possible, it was beautiful!

How has the GOP not scooped this guy up yet?

The last house I rented had a lot of centipedes, and I hate centipedes. Spiders are fine, I’ll put them outside, but centipedes are the devil’s bug and they must die.

Does anyone else get Big Boo from OITNB from Ellen Bryant Voigt, a Vermont-based poet?

I LOVE this bad boy that I got in my Ipsy bag last month, it has made all of my other liners obsolete:

I love this series, keep ‘em coming!

I was hoping this story would make it to Jezebel in some way or another.

I want a backyard bearcam on 24/7 from now on that includes Sophie (the little girl’s) commentary.

But when? WHEN????

What is a Chinese style toilet?

I too love this column, although it fuels my beauty product obsession. I subscribe to Birchbox, Ipsy and Amor Naturals and I’ll never have to buy toiletries again...I was thinking about getting the Popsugar, but I’m glad I held off since it’s so expensive and hasn’t been that great in the last few months.

I recently put on a legal clinic for homeless teenagers - for whom this is obviously extremely relevant. Many had come from foster care where they had been sexually abused. The biggest shock to me was that all of those who had been abused had reported those crimes to the police, with the support of family, yet it was

I’ve narrowed this down to Partridge Creek since Carson’s doesn’t appear to be in any other metro-Detroit malls. At first I assumed Somerset, but they would blow themselves up before allowing a Carson’s to denigrate their clientele.

God, that sounds like something my mother would do. Narcissistic personality disorder? I’m sorry she tried to ruin your wedding. At least you were able to do something awesome on your terms.

I’ve gotten my cats two of those fancy scratchers and they love them and nap on them just like the adorable tuxedo cat in the picture! Also, you can often get them on groupon goods for a much lower price (I have never paid more than $25 for one).
