
I concur! Do you have any archaeology-related spooky tales for us?

It was a scam the she was running with the locksmith.  

I know this is more than five years old and you probably won’t see this, but in the “pros” list for buying the house I used to rent I listed, “know it’s not haunted”.

I’ve read all of these books this year, other than The Absolute Book, and wondered if I was starting to have a problem. Reading about “normal” situations no longer seems like a get away, I guess.

Can this be done in Teams?  I’m attempting it but it doesn’t look like Teams allows you to actually copy the video.

I cut my own bangs.  Not very well, but hey, I can see again. 


While I was reading and before I got to this last paragraph, I had also pictured you with a cat.

Same. It’s the only way to go. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I have to shut this bad boy down for travel...

The scream could have been a female mountain lion, although I feel a little woman-splainy given your name.

That’s how I’m motivating myself today!

This is throughout Michigan too.

This is all over Michigan, not just metro-D.

Go into a Sephora and tell them exactly this and you’d like to learn basic stuff. They will help you out (and I’m not being paid for this suggestion)!

Good to know. I have a long, cold commute as well (by choice) and am looking to upgrade my outerwear. 


When I was a teenager in the ‘burbs of Detroit, I would often see Anna Kournikova and Sergei Fedorov (who played for the Red Wings at the time) biking around downtown.

I’m just thinking that maybe it wasn’t a “door” but a panel for a crawl space or something that you sister or BIL didn’t think of as a door or room.

This is amazing!