
the way this story is developing is interesting because the right can’t figure out an angle to take that doesn’t involve Trump immediately contradicting them

Don’t leave out this:

Yep. Was just speaking with a friend about this.

And the worst part is you just know that smug fuck is going to have a field day going off on Bernie’s heart episode and bragging how he’s the healthiest person ever.


Family Guy has to be one of the most overrated shows of all time

Eh. As long as he’s not holding Rick and Morty up as a genius paean to the misunderstood value of nihilism that only true intellectuals can fully appreciate, I’m down. I kinda dig the show myself, but I’ve never felt the need to storm a McDonald’s for Szechuan sauce, nor do I think I’m particularly erudite for

“Fox News: We don’t report, you don’t have to decide...”

FOX News - “Simple answers for simple people.”

“There’s a big headline that’ll get your attention, then you look at the story it’s easily explained,” co-host Brian Kilmeade said.”

God, I love it when people are right, but not for the reason they think. 

I don’t see a long or bright future for President Pence. The only kind of person who could be so oblivious to all the wrong doing around them would be a patsy and Mother would not allow Pence to be in the same room with anyone going by that name.

Or? We could just fucking let them? Would it be that much of a loss?

Oh no the old white people who weigh 250+lbs are coming!

The thing is....they want a war. A holy war. Obama didn’t do it to them like they were hoping; the promised uprising never materialized. They’ve got all of these metaphorical white sneakers and end time plans and no party to attend.

Thompson was so good in that sketch and the way he built up the reactions to the news was great. Just starting out really basic and then getting more and more sarcastic to the insistence of the other panelists how this is now different.

Not how it works

Seriously. It’s like:

It’s been their strategy since 2015 and it's worked so far.

Boy, they are just going to drive this “the real crime is the reporting of the crime” bus right off the cliff, aren’t they?

Why would people be inside a place where the Barenaked Ladies were playing?