having only been exposed to the whatever-number-of-self-absorbed reddit posts of his, I’m really not surprised to learn he’s like this. I do dig some of his art style, but (just my opinion), he always sort of came off like a tryhard-douchebro
having only been exposed to the whatever-number-of-self-absorbed reddit posts of his, I’m really not surprised to learn he’s like this. I do dig some of his art style, but (just my opinion), he always sort of came off like a tryhard-douchebro
WH - “no u”
Very Brown People
I seriously had no idea that Galvis could actually hit the ball that far.
Awesome story - first one to give me real chills reading through this
The DDs near me in Suburban DC/MD all have paper cups (at least the ones I visit). They are just fine, but the real issue is that the LID no longer has the little built-in-stopper thingy, and coffee constantly sloshes out of top. Apparently they have a short neon-orange version of the iconic green Starbucks…
I have this preordered, and Amazon just changed the delivery date from 12/31/2017 to 12/31/2018.....
But all dogs go to heaven, right? ......Right????
I know you are, but what am I
fuck you
Steve Bannon looks like how I feel after 2 weeks of Trump
Can I quibble? Ok.
Krennic didn’t go running to Vader to complain, he was *summoned*; you don’t just go visit Vader at his Mustafar castle unbidden.
Vader summoned Krennic to tell him that he fucked up by destroying Jedha City and that they wanted to keep the existence of the Death Star a secret (officially, at…
Serious question - how many taters do you think you have to mash in order to get into the Hall?
I believe that the fucking Patriots cheated their way to multiple titles
Is this actually good Kinja, or...?
If given the chance, what wrestling move would you perform on the Hulkster and why?
I’m partial to the Adelsons