
@headshox: I have a T-Mobile G1. The current Android version available for that model is 1.5. I'm running CyanogenMod 5.08, which is a variant of Android 2.1. It runs faster, looks nicer, lets me install apps on SD card, run Google Navigator, use live wallpaper, and so on.

Dubstep, industrial, ambient... pretty much anything that does not annoy me. (This is a lot, as I have very eclectic tastes.)

Hudda hudda huh!

@Captain K'nuckles: VST plugins are basically like mini-applications; I'd keep them on your SSD.

T-Mo better not merge with Sprint. My signal and service with Sprint here were utterly abysmal, and I've had nothing but good from T-Mo (except at my parents' house in Nowhere, GA where they don't get an AT&T or Verizon signal either).

@Piledriver: It's not "just your hand", it's a flat glass thing that provides no tactile feedback, picks up grease, and is already busy trying to convey visual information.

I would still rather play it on a 22" screen with a mouse. I really doubt that pinching is more "natural" than rolling a mouse wheel.

As soon as people replace their SUVs with walking shoes, all you naysayers who come out everytime there is some kind of electric vehicle on Gizmodo might have a valid argument.

I could totally see a small black hole in East St. Louis. In fact if it'd be kind enough to stay there it would probably improve property values. But downtown? Bummer.

@TuxBobble: HoHo? Honeybun? ...Hershey?

@weinerschnitzelboy: It's Google, they probably have 350,000+ indexed tasty treat names.

@ArmoredCavalry: AppBrain has never worked well for me. It fails to connect or sync about half the time and has never successfully downloaded any apps. If I see something on their website I like, I search for it in the regular Market app instead.

Google's marketplace needs:

@PoG: Not on purpose, it just happened when I replied. This is my sad face: :(

@NuevoLeon: I do have a couple of interactive ones installed. Liquid Battery is pretty awesome for instance ("water" filling the screen to a level that indicates the current battery charge, which splashes around according to the accelerometer and touchscreen).

@genYcompliant: What real software can't Android users get? Free turn-by-turn directions maybe? Oh, wait, that's Apple.

Bad Hollywood! ::smacks with rolled-up newspaper:: How many times have we told you, no remakes in the house?

What I'm seeing there is 80's Sorayama, crash test dummies, and the I Robot movie. That right there is a retro future, my friend.