Fail. I see a big "not:iphone4" and then:
Fail. I see a big "not:iphone4" and then:
Just hook that bad boy up to AIM. C'mon Blizzard, you know you want to.
@farcedude: As I discovered, it will dissolve the elastic in many socks. I've stopped using it since then.
@farcedude: As I discovered, it will dissolve the elastic in many socks. I've stopped using it since then.
@slick9640: I don't know, I'm not the person that deals with this stuff.
@AndiC: My shop does have an MSDN subscription, in fact. The point is, having people "evaluate" your software by using it every day is a good thing.
@tsmoothie: As a developer myself, I know that the best way to evaluate any software is to put it to practical use.
@SGTalon: Is this a troll, or... no, it *has* to be a troll. Or perhaps a parody.
@P0PES: The space program is currently way ahead of human adaptations for tolerating the high levels of radiation in space.
There is nothing new about ribbon cable.
@reuthermonkey: What surprises me is how many people seem to have been totally ignorant of the vuvuzela before the last few days. Have they never flipped channels on cable TV? I don't even watch sports and I knew about this stuff.
If you hadn't said "and naked" I'd have to ask which one is the android.
At least from firsthand experience, I can anecdotally say there's a link between depression and blood sugar.
I just recently bought a Wii, for the excuse that I can be a bit more active playing it than sitting at my PC. I don't have any Mario, Zelda or Metroid games, and honestly not that much interest in them at this point.
@o6untouchable: exactly. I'm a guy, I make noises to encourage my wife, and I'm fully aware she does the same. That's not the same as faking it, and it's not necessarily selfish either.
@thethirdchimpanzee: Saw that same thing and I thought that too. I'm a religous person who loves science, and I don't buy the "God of the gaps" bit either.
@kapanak: an unbiased poll of the biased people who read this site and take polls. I wonder what percentage of people on both sides voted as their fanboy duty. (I know I did.)
@Elena: 40 hours is standard in the US as well (though at many places salaried employees are expected to work more, either regularly or at need... and schedules are often made with the assumption that people will work OT).
@vodulas: confirmed this with my own tinkering. Despite all the warnings that say you need to NOT use the SD Card menu, you DO need to use it.
This works in the current stable Cyanogenmod for G1. It causes the MSNBC page to load MUCH more slowly. :P