1680x1050 at home, 1920x1200 (x2) at work.
1680x1050 at home, 1920x1200 (x2) at work.
Bloody soldiers! If I wasna droonk I coulda beat 'em with me eye closed!
@vid3oman64: I just don't see a general-purpose rendering and physics engine working very well. Different games only have a few things in common and those parts are often handled by middleware (Havok, PhysX, Granny, SpeedTree, Scaleform, etc.) integrated into custom engines.
@vid3oman64: "I would try to make game engines that are applicable to a wider variety of games, and try putting more games into those engines, all in the name of reducing production times and costs and to bring a semblance of standards to the gaming industry."
I've been happily using Privoxy since Chrome went public beta. While it's less friendly to set up than extensions, it's more flexible, more reliable and (I believe) faster. It's also a true block rather than a hider.
@Hedious: or the engineer, if you believe the Steam forum conjecture. :)
@Realmjumper: if you turn a corner and meet a demoman head-on who has NOT already laid down stickies here, you're probably going to pwn his face.
I've spent the last (mumble) years working on HeroEngine, and I see my particle effects system and terrain editor in SW: TOR videos.
@cyruss: game recruiters are pretty aggressive; I doubt that credits factor in much.
@pressstart: They suck because they have 270ms ping and kill you after you get behind a wall.
I like Google Calendar Popout and
@ChickenPawks: Chevy logo.
@kidfromkor: yeah, the font size is pretty ridiculous, especially given that it doesn't wrap text.
@jedbeetle: it's "midriff."
@pysh-pysh: Just searching for "Goggles" found it for me.
@hominidx: if I were a kid I'd demand that someone close this interdimensional portal. Nowadays I'd probably try to jump through though...
@Crashproof: ...in fact I think I've bought only one package of Mach 3 razor blades in the last five years.
@Jason: I have a Mach 3 Power, and I don't do anything at all special to my blades, and I shave my head a couple of times a week as well as my face daily. But I use the same cartridge for months on end anyway with no ill effects.
I sat behind him at the Video Games Live show at NVision last year without realizing it... until they called him up to the stage. Heh.
She brings up an interesting point, but take a look at the armor in most games with male and female versions of character classes. While most armor of either gender tends more toward "make the character look good" than "keep the character from getting killed", it does tend to be more blatant for female characters.