

For notepad with sync on Android, there's UpVise Personal. Not the ideal solution, as there were some strange UI choices that particular app developer made.

@Mutant: my experience is almost 180 degrees away from that. When I played with an iPhone I thought it was all show and no go.

Sounds like they've added a lot of what Android already does... :D

@excaliburps: I got the first one for $10, and if you discount the fact that it's a few years old now, it's quite good

It's a face urinal.

Any photos I took on my old camera phone show up as "image has been processed/edited" whether they actually were or not.

Of all the things that bother me, beta is not even on the top 100.

I'm willing to blame daylight saving for my current mood.

As a friend says... never fight zombies with fire. Then you've just got undead monsters trying to eat your brain WHILE ON FIRE.

That screenshot just looks so wrong.

Well, this might be an argument for getting to bed at a reasonable time and not sleeping in overmuch on weekends. I've long suspect that, if it weren't for my job, I'd slip into semi-nocturnal habits.

Some of those applications are pretty exciting stuff. It goes to show somebody at Microsoft has an imagination, if not the company as a whole.

@Anks329: try HostsMan or Privoxy. (I can vouch for Privoxy, just heard of HostsMan.)

@Pastabagel: Privoxy works as well as Adblock for helping with speed.

@vantesaur: The achievements have gotten easier with each successive class update.

At least around here, anything that's actually popular is going to have a reserve queue of hundreds of people.

@taodude: it may depend on the type of battery. My electric scooter strongly recommends keeping the battery indoors if you're going to store the scooter outside in cold weather.