
I wish they'd fix servers that "cheat" on the server browser and claim to have 18 players when nobody's in there at all.

One of the laws of MMO design is to never trust the client. It's too easy to hack something to report that you're using no electricity whatsoever...

@GildaBabar: I have a pair of convertible mittens that have fingerless gloves under them. For truly arctic cold they might not be secure enough (but that can probably be hacked), but they're fine for a St. Louis winter, and I tend to have hands that get cold if I stare at them hard. I can still fumble with my keys

As a developer from a partially middleware studio, it's been a bit rocky having some of our licensees dry up and blow away right after they decided to convert from evaluee to full license. In what would have been our company's growth explosion, it's pretty much the same old struggle, except our too-small staff is

There'd better be a way around this. I depend on this for some of my more experimental audio stuff :/

@revmatty: many, many, MANY people use Windows for audio production. I am one of them. The OS was not your problem.

@roylink: need a dispenser here!

@Spidery_Yoda: or perhaps they're just too busy RELOADING! to raise the price back up. ;)

Google Maps all the way. Even if I hadn't gotten a G1. :)

@Nirach: I totally have. Particularly playing a Spy in TF2, or any time where I'm basically sneaking around in a dangerous place where I shouldn't be.

@Thomas Fiscoe: maybe the iPhone will one day have to dual-boot into Android to remain competitive, pretty much like Macs do with Windows now.

@Peter Gordebeke: that's never happened to me and I've been using Chrome almost exclusively since its first public beta.

VOTE: FileBox eXtender (to add a customizable favorite folders button to standard file requester dialogs, very useful to locate samples and plugins while working on music)

It's a little white lie anyway since they're both based on Webkit... right? ;)

@Crumplecorn: I have a Korg DS-8 too. That's no excuse.

No, it plays absolutely nothing like TF2.

Whenever I look at these I think of that phrase from his speech yesterday: "the time has come to set aside childish things."

Aw, no WS_FTP.

Where I went it was just 10% off. In most cases, Best Buy's non-sale prices are still better.