
I feel like perhaps that question should be targeted at you, since you seemed to have fixated on the wrong point.

I got a notification from your first reply. You seem a little hypocritical but more importantly (and concerning), unstable:

Clearly you can't, yes. Enjoy those low-grounds.

No, they said that the power imbalance here has nothing to do with feminism, despite the attempts to connect it. What you are doing is attempting to deflect, which seems to be a theme with your posts.

Wow you are being quite the ass. You reverted immediately to deflection then wishing hate, violence, and even death to someone engaging in calm discussion. Many of us want to see real equality for men and women, not get hung up on some weak-theory Hollywood gossip.

Except that most of the men here seem to be more calmly asking "are we sure this is a fight about feminism?"

I'm pretty sure any case for anything ever looks at past examples to draw conclusions and parallels from, so let the 'whataboutery' claims go to rest.

Interesting take, thanks for your input. :) But is not being cheated on really a right? I feel like an activist can still fight for a genders rights regardless of their promiscuity. I think what Whedon did was wrong and inconsiderate, but I'm not sure it relates much to his view for woman's rights.

A more applicable analogy would be that you're pro-civil rights but casted a white actor in a movie. It could be taken out of context and provide ample blogs with angry posts, but in reality actually has nothing to do with civil rights.

What makes you think I don't want to understand; because it simultaneously questions the motive if this article? I want to know the viewpoint. To be ultra clear, I want to know because I don't personally see a link to feminism and promiscuity.

I don't think someone's promiscuity has anything to do with feminism. This article is a whole lot of pointless text and characters, well except for the ad code that is making them serious bank.

And is a woman still considered a feminist if she cheats on her husband? Just making sure I know how this is supposed to work.