Marauder is always the answer.
Marauder is always the answer.
Fuck a giant screen. I just want a spot in the dash that I can dock my phone with wireless charging. For everything else I want knobs, real buttons, and maybe a lever or two.
I’m sure he was crazy smart and had a big budget - but do you really think GM is poaching software designers and engineers from Apple or Google?
100% agree. Car’s infotainment system should just be:
* AM/FM/Satellite radio
* Apple Car Play
* Android auto.
* OFF. <- Looking at you Mazda, let me turn the damn thing OFF.
no need for navigation, or built in apps, etc
Also screens are getting too big and most have no way to dim them all the way down at night.
I wonder when car manufacturers will learn that this is folly and pointless? My cars are old and archaic so i just use my phone but my friends with new BMWs and Tesla’s and so on also just use their phones.
All the stars.
Well, here in California politics is ,in fact, totally dominated by the large coastal metros. A good 80% of California by area is effectively disenfranchised in the view of a goodly number of residents, who no longer even bother to participate in the process.
Stop it with your calm, reasonable take ;)
I have a personal hot take on 3rd gear. Here’s the thing with me - I support all the usual Transit Memes for New Urbanist Teens measures. Cities should serve their citizens. Walkability and density should be prioritized over roads and parking. Resources and entertainment should be well-distributed into the urban…
Toyota somehow did it.
The new tundra definitely exudes big dick energy.
Closer to livestock, but even dumber, noisier, & smellier.
Bud did they like to coast down twisty rural roads on steep hills in neutral like back in my elementary days in the 1970? No matter how many years you rode that bus, you never escaped the feeling that bus was going to miss a curve and everybody was going tumbling down the hill. Those old men enjoyed scaring the hell…
I’d guess cost. You’re repurposing a truck chassis/sending a chassis to an outfitter vs designing a diesel pusher from the ground up with the express purpose of being a bus.
And lo, the number of the rails shall be three. And three shall be the number. No more, no less. Two shall not be the number, unless immediately proceeding three. Four is right out.
I just assumed it was ribbed for her pleasure.
All vehicles must meet stringent crash safety standards and all occupants under the age of 18 must wear seatbelts. Additionally, side curtain airbags must be installed to prevent injury in a crash
I don’t really get Raph’s point? I guess I can make the same claim about him: “Raph isn’t in business to help the environment. He is a consumer and worker that reaps the rewards of raping the environment and plundering its materials just so he can enrich and entertain himself. He continues to live a life style that…