
I like this guy

Any car person worth their salt knows budgets are more suggestions and guidelines than a hard limit

What are those beefy antenna things for? Making sure it stays level-ish in case of a rollover?

Gm for the last 20+ years have made shit cars and trucks. I have a GMT-800 (99-07ish full size truck platform) and for the most part they all have the same problem design flaws. I am really shocked that they have allowed the same problems to be manufactured for years on end. I, for one think GM more than deserves all

I think you mean Monday! Monday! Monday!

I am firmly on the side that income and wages have not increased as much as they should have in relation to the amount of profits generated and everything else. I despise how much senior exec’s and the like get in compensation while the average person struggles on a weekly basis.

Jensen Ackles!!!

Has no one seen Jungle book?! FFS.

Have they not seen Supernatural?

This is the correct answer.

I’m wondering how this compares to driving in MN winters for 15 years with a few RWD cars?

Those look like Teacups

Don’t want to love it. Love it.

My daughter did this to my VW GLI when she was 2... 

Am I the only one that wants them to bring back the Legacy GT?! Sedan or wagon is welcome

Sorry, I was referring to current century Beetles. I worked in sales at a VW dealer in 2013. Our gay sales rep had one (turbo but still) and sold quite a few

*also Beetles

*Beetles are for gay dudes

My heart fluttered a bit