
K, you don’t like airports. Noted. Don’t spend time in them. I literally mention you in the first line of this piece. But not everyone has the happiness sucked out of them by simply existing within an airport. Some of us appreciate that time for what it is.

Usually, it’s only a couple of hours. This example was on one of my trips to Japan. After exploring nonstop for two weeks, including a lot of walking, sitting in an airport terminal and doing “nothing” (as in napping, writing, editing photos, reading, watching Netflix, eating, drinking, etc.) until my late night

I hate my Note 5 because of the lack of an SD card slot. The note 7 was supposed to be the perfect phone, huge screen, pen, expandable memory. I’m so pissed. It’s all I want

I am considering either taking my chances with the Note 7 that I have, or going to the Note 5. My only hang up is the lack of an SD slot on the Note 5.

No. Did “unintended acceleration” kill Audi or Toyota? No. Samsung is absolutely massive, they make ships, heavy machinery, military equipment, have banks, chemical plants, semiconductors foundries, consumer electronics and appliances. The phone business is just a small part of that. The note 7 is also one of 29 phone

And Microsoft! Vista -> Win7