
"But we know that the victims of sexual abuse suffer the same effects whether it was 50 years ago or yesterday."

what the fucking fuck? so it was OK for Jefferson to have slaves ("have" in every sense of the word). Whenever anyone uses the "things were different then and we can't judge someone from that time by our standards" I always come back to the Jefferson argument.

Your headline is a bit misleading. He's clearly referring here to his own specific circumstance, and his own feelings about it. He himself can't find it in him to condemn what happened to him as a kid in school. Why act like he said that we should legalize pedophilia or something?

i've been hearing that this was taken completely out of context and he was saying HE couldn't condemn what happened to him the way HE condemns the same acts today. And that HE wasn't held back by it and that he thinks his classmates weren't either. and that the quote is taken differently than it appears in the

Rough headline. Dawkins actually says he considers his public-school experiences not a big deal to his peer group - but that he unequivocally condemns the same behaviors in a contemporary context.

Dawkins is an asshole, but I don't think it's fair to judge his take on his own sexual abuse as a child. He didn't say pedophilia was okay and we should all accept it, he's saying you can't judge folks of the past by the standards of today. I don't really agree with that idea, but I do know that victims of abuse

But the homemade cinnamon rolls are to DIE for!

Haha, despite the fact that we've been arguing, you deserve credit: That's pretty funny.

Wait, what came first, this or Quintet? I never knew about this one. And which is better?

You're quite right about that. I was talking about positive aspects but shouldn't have ignored the ways they can be used by the parasitic!

I dunno, Rob, this looks pretty impressive. If wrong. Oh, so wrong.