
If she identified as black, and people identified her as black, and because she was identified as “black” white privilege was not accessible to her, then how could she have “lied” about “really” being black? That’s incoherent. You can’t “lie” about being the race that you and everyone else identify you as, because

Tucker Max?

World’s second-largest buttplug?

But if there’s not a backlog, I don’t understand your point.

New York spent $12 million clearing its rape kit backlog in 1999. They now transfer funds to other states to help with their backlogs, too. $35 million in 2014, for instance.

To hell with charges, you should have murdered that guy, since he “died” years earlier!

The same way I account for all the kids who watched Joe Cool cartoons and didn’t become smokers. Not everybody is susceptible to the same thing. But when 10-year-old kids saw a cartoon camel and then tried Camels, we didn’t wave it away as them just “being human beings”, we recognized that using cartoons to sell

When Muslims do bad things like the executions by ISIS or 9/11, they are capable of doing those things because they are human beings, not because they are Muslim.

You’ve replied to a post that anticipated every single one of your points four years before you made them. Would you like to actually respond to them?

I don’t know you, so you might disagree, but a primary problem here is that government is hiring contractors for such an important job.

Yes, if only we didn’t undermine you, work would be so much easier.

And I wanted to see if anyone had similar experiences or advise on HOW to go about engaging in this type of relationship successfully.

What do you imagine the purpose of the IT department is?

Because the way you describe it, you seem to have it completely backwards. You seem to think the purpose of a business is to host an IT department, when it’s actually the other way around.

Does it matter that if you were to substitute literally any other race, gender, or sexual orientation for “white males” it would be seen as incredibly bigoted?

Q’doba sucks. One, that isn’t even a word. Two, twice now I’ve ordered the “Mexican gumbo” (not a thing!) and they haven’t added any soup to it. I just get a big fucking pile of salsa and dry cheese and beans. Like, WTF?

Yes, that makes it exactly like your own car in every respect.

Why should Car2Go have to do more to prevent drunk driving than the guys who will sell you the whole car?

I feel like we spend a lot of time teaching girls how to respond to jerks and very little time teaching boys not to be jerks.

While laden with sarcasm, a desire to attend Calgary Expo to promote this viewpoint was clear.

By definition, you have to own up to everything GG is ultimately responsible for.

There’s a lot of research that says, actually, your body does break down added sugars differently than naturally occurring sugars.