
Great, I guess, but pretty easily gamed by a bad-faith opponent - they can just as easily deny that the argument you refuted was the "best" one (after all, if you refuted it, how good could it really have been, plus it's the argument you picked, so obviously you cherry-picked a weak argument to address), or an

Mentoring makes it go away, actually. For the most part. When you hit the point in your career when less experienced, newer people are looking to you for guidance - and it'll happen, trust me, whether you want it to or not - you'll basically be too distracted by their needs to worry that you're a fraud and everyone's

It's no myth. I can confirm - some installs of Windows 7 have a networking bug that results in huge (90%, in my case, this is no shit) slowdowns if IPv6 is enabled.

I just want to be clear on this - the legal principle you're defending is that people have a right to physically assault cops?

The police aren't required to back down in self-defense if they're lawfully performing duties. Otherwise you create a situation where all you have to do to evade arrest is pose a credible threat to a policeman's safety.

How about you flounce?

Sorry, no. What is this, your fourth post where you've said you're not going to reply?

What does it take to get you to keep your promises?

"People" aren't objecting. You're objecting to being factually corrected about the events that actually transpired, because they contradict the fantasy world you've created where every single black person who dies in front of a policeman's gun is a harmless angel who never, in any way, ever did anything that might

No, you misunderstood the reporting. Yes, the officer didn't know that Brown was the suspect in that robbery. That's true - how would he, given that he had never met Brown and wouldn't have been able to identify him by sight?

But it is actually the case that the officer was aware of the robbery report, and therefore

Examples already given in this thread. And anyway - why wouldn't it happen? Wouldn't it be rampant as soon as the MRA's catch wise that this can get you into the women's shelter where your "horrible ex" (read: the wife you've abused) has tried to flee from you?

It doesn't exist because the nation's municipal police departments don't have the same boss. They're little fiefdoms, especially in terms of IT, which is who would have built whatever municipal officer-involved-shooting databases currently exist.

Also, aren't you ignoring that there actually is a police report of the store robbery, of which the officer was aware? How did that happen if the store didn't report?

That's cool. So now we check whether all transwomen are sex offenders before we let them in? I'm sure that'll go over well with the SJW crowd, but how else do you purport to catch past instances of bad faith gender representation?

No, I think the standard should be the same for everyone - cops have the same right not to be assaulted and murdered that you or I have (in practice, likely even more, but I think we should roll that back.) If you reasonably believe your life is at risk and you have to use lethal force to defend it, I don't know what

But again, why would anyone from the store file a complaint against a dead man? When would they have had the time, given that the store has practically been razed by the looting mobs? You're hanging an awful lot on that. Are you sure you don't want to revisit?

It's a little larger than restrooms, don't you think? What's even the point of trying to have a safe women-only space, if any and all men can gain access to those spaces just by the pretense of claiming to be women? How do you say "no, you're not" while still being trans-inclusive?

Well, no, it's not. Self-defense isn't a punishment or justice; it's the use of force to stop an attacker who puts your life at risk. And that's any time you're physically attacked against your will - there's no reason to believe that someone who is attacking you without your consent is going to stop before you

When you have completely non-criminal, paying interactions with store personnel, how many of them end with you shoving someone who works there, picking something up off the shelf, and walking out the door with it? Be specific.

I don't understand the point about the clerk, since it was the owner who was robbed, assuming, as you apparently do, that the owner and clerk are not the same person. The clerk was assaulted; the owner, if that's a different person, was the one who was robbed. Are you saying that the clerk not filing charges against a

Did you not see the part where he appears to be paying for at least some of them?