
Did you read the stupid infographic? "There's no need for store bought dressings full of preservatives etc..." That's what I'm talking about. You don't think there's the implication there that preservatives are something to avoid, even though all food preservatives are regarded as safe and some (like sodium benzoate)

There's got to be a better way!

Personally, I don't understand why some people find it necessary to shit on people who like to eat real, simple food.

Whereas the billion-dollar organic food corporations are actually charities?

I make my own all the time. But you know what really ups the deliciousness factor, for me? Not connecting it, needlessly, to food-scare propaganda.

I bet Jess Dang can't identify even a single preservative found in a salad dressing linked to any human injury, malady, or disease.

Go on with your one-person crusade against.. actually, I don't know.

Sure, let's talk about those "farmer's markets." You know a lot of those farms don't exist, right? That they're just rebranding on top of industrial production? That sometimes, they're just a couple of guys with a logo and a truck selling you produce they just bought from Whole Foods, right?

Saying "there's extremism on both sides, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle" isn't any less of an unthinking, extremist view. It's the extremism of false equivalence.

Now that makes Waaaay more sense than a lot of people on here who are arguing that by just virtue of the fact that it's a "chemical" and that it's backed with "science", we should trust it and that it's good.

WTO rules are pretty specific - the whole point is a "level" worldwide playing field for goods and products (leaving aside the discussion as to whether it's fair for US companies working under US labor law to try to compete with companies in countries that don't have those laws, or fair for local farmers in Guatemala

This work is astonishingly short on actual evidence. People should remember that not only is this "trick your brain into thinking it's about to get sugar" hypothesis utterly counter-intuitive and contrary to most knowledge about sugar digestion in the body, but it's completely unevidenced, too.

Well, no. They're engaging in trade protectionism under the cover of food-scare propaganda. It's a way of sheltering their own local producers from US competition. No conspiracy theory required.

Food-scare propaganda, as usual.

I guess what I'm saying is, there's a certain fixed overhead involved in the acceptance and processing of account contributions, and financial services companies deal with that overhead in one of two ways: they either insist that your contributions be above a minimum (which reduces the number of contributions you

Let me tell you, it's hella fun to pull a PCB out of your pocket and be all like "oh, this? Just a little tool I made." I've got an Arduino Leonardo clone where I had the fab silkscreen a picture of my face on it, I use it like a business card. (That I make people give back when they're done, so actually, not really

What's the minimum contribution of your employers 401k?

The HDMI to VGA cable, for example, is usable if you have a converter box along with it

You're getting some heat for this, but I've been saying the same thing for years. You're exactly right. Fast-travel isn't good for games - it's better to make travel interesting, and then maybe implement some kind of "special" instant-travel you can earn. The fast travel in Fallout 3, for instance, was really a missed

It's super interesting! Personally, as I'm not a physicist, I ally with the experimenters and not the theorizers on the issue.