var a=1;
var b=2;
var results = a+b;
var a=1;
var b=2;
var results = a+b;
Java is basically un-writable without a full-featured IDE, and beginners should avoid full-featured IDE's in general. Syntax highlighting is about the most an IDE should do for a beginner.
Programmers should learn to be good programmers, and good programming includes code reuse and separation of concerns - both of which are more or less impossible in BASIC. BASIC may teach you the simple act of writing a statement that a computer can interpret, but programming is also the art of designing software, and…
Given that Java and JavaScript share nothing except four letters in the name, why do you think Java makes it easy to learn JavaScript? Spend a lot of time writing class definitions in JS, do you?
What do you mean "instant results of your code"? How do you run JavaScript except in a web browser? And unless your browser has a debugging console, how are you going to input or output values except by making changes to the DOM, which adds an enormous layer of complexity and abstraction you have to grasp before you…
Not only will no one take a chance on you, they're literally discriminating against you. Employers won't hire people with unemployed periods on their resumes.
Count me among the people who doesn't like infotainment and navigation systems.
I don't see what's intuitive about it (although it's good-looking.) What does "People" do? Would I understand what the xbox controller icon does (something game-related, I assume) if I didn't recognize it as a very abstract xbox controller? How about the red icon with the white box thing? What does that do?
A book with…
I don't understand what you think is different on the Mac. Files live in folders inside of hard drives; applications like web browsers live in the Applications folder. You can put them in the Dock, which is located in the same place the Windows taskbar is.
General thievery, maybe. Stealing Christmas presents? Hangin's too good for scum like that.
General thievery, maybe. Stealing Christmas presents? Hangin's too good for scum like that.
GIMP needs a ton of interface work before it's a Photoshop replacement. Sure, I use it too - or did, before I picked up my student copy of Photoshop - but it's aggravatingly non-standard in a number of places, and doesn't reflect good use of OS windowing toolkits. For instance, changing tools shouldn't require three…
Typically, what makes an "assault rifle" is that it has a mode to fire fully automatically; with a very small number of exceptions these are already illegal to own.
But you're aware that they altered the copy of their bill, right? They edited the image in order to conceal their identity from NBC 4. Nobody's seen the original bill; only this altered version. Who's to say that they didn't alter the billing amount, as well?
These aren't "people's homes." This is public-works infrastructure being occupied by squatters because the publically-provisioned homeless shelters aren't to their liking.
That's not really evidence and doesn't address any of the issues.
Stipulate that she's a liar, although the sole evidence for that seems to be a single, unnamed "friend." But everybody is acting like this is now some kind of slam-dunk case that she forged the note.
If you don't contribute to the maximum that they'll match, you're leaving money on the table. See if you can bump up your contribution to the full 3%.