
Sidewalks are for bicycles, too. You can't tell me they're not - if someone can drive a goddamn motorized Segway on the sidewalk and that's cool, if old farts and fats can drive up and down them on their 200lb electric Medicare scooter then my completely human-powered bicycle belongs there, too. Case closed.

Because it's clearly a sexual act being undertaken without consent.

Rather, it seems like in this case there's actually a law against his conduct: the "Peeping Tom" law on the books of the fine state of Massachusetts, in which the Masshole naturally resides.

Does this "have to do with genitals"? The genitals are not being photographed, is his argument. At issue is whether there's such an expectation of privacy over your underwear when, in public, you wear a garment that has a great big hole that, in some orientations, allows your underwear to be clearly viewed (to be

"People" may, but the law may not recognize it. (If I had to guess, there's probably a substantial amount of ambiguity when it comes to what counts as "underneath your clothes" when, in fact, your underwear is being viewed through a large gap in your clothing.) Again I think this conduct is inexcusable and gross, but

But there's no "consent" when it comes to having your picture taken when you're out in public. Don't get me wrong, this shit is gross and he's a perv. But we should only jail people for conduct that is against the law, and it seems like in this case there's not actually a law against his conduct.

nobility = government

I mean I'm not a lawyer but these seem like fairly simplified scenarios that assume a 50/50 even split is the most fair 100% of the time.

Not only is that stupid, it's not even how serfdom works.

Ensuring a clean, fair, and as painless as possible break.

Well, yes. There's probably a hundred ways in which, later in life, your inability to perfectly foresee every future event is going to result in things happening to you for which you weren't prepared.

While you may not have anything then, why can't you plan for the future.

There's no such thing as a "screen for mental health." What do you think they do, run a blood panel and say "oop, there we go; she's positive for father issues and wanting to vacuum at 2 in the morning."

If two people are marrying later in life, with established careers and significant capital possessions (car, house, etc) then I think a pre-nup makes sense, particularly if these is a second marriage for one or both; but for people who are marrying earlier in life and have almost nothing at the time, I don't see that

Well, you certainly make a convincing case!

If Jews had set up an insular, indolent culture centered on the notion that every Gentile is an outsider and of value only as a target for graft, exploitation, robbery, and rape, then prejudice against Jews would have had a legitimate basis. I oppose prejudice in all it's forms, but it's not prejudice to conclude that

I don't get how a day off is "useless" unless everyone else is forced to have an unpaid furlough along with you. Somehow, in countries where the state doesn't force Christian principles on all the rest of us, we're able to hang out with our friends and family - and occasionally get some shopping done on our days off -

I don't get how a day off is "useless" unless everyone else is forced to have an unpaid furlough along with you. Somehow, in countries where the state doesn't force Christian principles on all the rest of us, we're able to hang out with our friends and family - and occasionally get some shopping done on our days off -

Privileged much? Maybe your day off is the only time you've got. Maybe it's not a legitimate state interest to carve out a mandatory unpaid furlough so that everyone can take a walk in the fucking park.

You're not making any sense. I assume you've heard of "shifts" - just because a store is open 7 days a week doesn't mean any individual worker has to work 7 days a week. Somehow they manage to have days off - frequently, a substantial number of them, sometimes with pay - in countries where stores aren't required to