“If you drive the car, you’ll be convinced”
I hate to break it to everyone who’s drooling over this, but erhh... A 16 kWh battery pack from a Volt is never going to be able to supply 400 kW of power to the motor.
Nobody recognized another person from a photo on somebody else’s desk, there were other things going on that caused this.
It’s not just divebombs for passing that he’s prone to doing. It’s defending from the inside, taking a tight entry and then opening the steering wheel on exit leaving his competitor no room. This is why he has so many “crash or yield” scenarios when he isn’t the fastest on track and able to walk away from the field.…
They’re also useful for people with disabilities. I have a friend who attaches one to his car’s steering wheel because of limited movement with his hands.
This steering wheel wouldn’t work for him, and I wouldn’t want to use it either. I’m surprised the Germans didn’t invent it, as it’s a solution looking for a problem.
“Gee Bill, why is Frank in a cast?" "Well Chuck, he was driving his new Chevy and hit that bump a bit too hard outside the country store. Shattered his wrist with that fancy new wheel of his." "Well that's a drag. Should have bought a Studebaker".
Because they have zero idea what they are doing and like to think they know better, whilst simultaneously ignoring centuries of underground transit experience.
Im 6'8 (and not skinny) and have had two mx-5s as daily drivers
Ok. Hands up. How many of you here walk 20+ minutes daily? Or how about when was the last time you walked anywhere, at all, for a solid 20 minutes?
Not defending the guy, but from a bunch of keyboard nerds like us, I am sure we’d also choose to drive as opposed to walking 20 minutes.
I get that it’s fun to point and laugh at the rich guy complaining about $9, but the issue he raises seems legitimate. His residence, his car, and his kids are all outside of the congestion zone but because of how the streets are laid out he has to briefly drive into the congestion zone when going around the block in…
These are very beautiful in person and sound amazing, but they were trying to punch too far above their weight class. This needed to start at $180K
Hmmm. Not good. A good case here can be argued that our esteemed author is indeed the one that needs to read AudiB5's comment again, as it is spot on: the article does seem to imply via your line “the good news is that it seems to be a step in the right direction for the ailing luxury automaker” that sales might be…
Still no decent explanations on so many aspects of this:
Either you had blinders on, high off copium or lying. Ive lived in Miami since these came out and no one paid attention to them even at release, the most reaction anyone gave them was a “neat” if the doors were open before never looking at one again. Yours in the pic is even a vert, which was later in the life of the…
I was going NP until I got to the pic with the Harley flag and of it parked next to a base model C7. Throw in the pic with the golf kart behind it, the way the ad is written in all caps, and the potential battery tender running to either it or the C7 in the boomer ‘murica garage and you absolutely know this is the guy…
Yeah someone making $3.3M still isn’t buying a Chiron, so maybe .001%?
Bradley’s 37 (or something) cars and bikes, each in its own glorious state of (dis)repair, are strewn across the land like Nick Cannon’s children.
My money is on how the power is put down. McLaren has the secret sauce to traction with RWD.