
Ah yes, that mission is definitely a pain solo, and much, much, easier with with each added fire team member. And they made it the most annoying pinnacle to get as well as its progression is from killing yellow bars and not actual completion for whatever reason. It’s literally the only one I skip every week when doing

“Abilities are going up is mostly referring to melee and class abilities, aimed mainly at reducing spam in PvP

Your comment is the standard you understand a decent amount of the game but dont at the same time which is a huge part of the reason they will never add matchmaking to more activities. Manticore was “this season’s” exotic, Hierarchy of Needs being the second from the dungeon and Revision Zero (what you’re referring

First part of your comment is spot on to my part of the potential issues. Most the all the lethal platforming I was referring to is in dungeons but you are correct about the infinite drops being the main killer for the rest of it to which the grapple is simply another life line if you mess up.

Except none of these coming weapon changes are due to PvP, these are all PvE weapon balances, and most all of them only apply to power weapons to hopefully make other options viable besides LFRs and rockets. The ability cool down changes are mostly due to PvP though

It’s going to be interesting to see how this comment ages but... am I the only one that isnt really looking forward to the grappling hooks?

What are you talking about, dashcams that have motion sensors that automatically record movement near the car when parked have been around for the better part of a decade, way before sentry existed, the author’s final point in that section is valid

This. So much its hilarious

That would literally defeat the entire premise of gambit

I think people forget Destiny is an FPS first, with abilities. Skill in Destiny is in gunplay, not abilities (unless you meant skill as in your ability skills). Your abilities are more lifelines than anything, presence of mind is the name of the game, and the ability cooldowns are mainly aimed at crucible. Theyve

Yes that’s what I was thinking, this is the cataclysmic event that moves us in to the next age on the time line

Any activity that shows a Pinnacle as a reward will improve your character, but you seem to have an understanding of that already so I dont understand how youd miss the many others... anyway Ill give you the PvE list to make it easier:

“The Witness closing in, you can finally start to feel the game building toward a showdown, in 2024’s The Final Shape, of everything that’s happened in Destiny up until this point”

This. We just a have a word for it now

It would work that way... in a perfect world, but that’s far from reality. I have many friends who played, one being my best friend who played for 7 years. What you don’t realize is outside of the naive spending most do early on, they understand they need to get financial advisors, and, well... so do the financial

Except this is the exact time to step back in. Lightfall will start everyone off at the same power level as well as start everyone off on the new mod system from scratch that is now available to everyone, and im pretty sure all youll have to pay is the expansion price ($50) with the option of paying for the annual pass

Did you just refer to this as a Secret Bar??... Its an entire building with a host and sign out front

When were the other 2 times? Ive played regularly since D1 and cant ever recall any other situation like this

You get visual and sound feeback from the enemy, not necessarily the shot, but this - The fact that none of the guns seem to have any recoil or kick” - is what makes your opinion so fascinating to me, because in Apex only your reticle kicks/moves as the feeling/display of recoil, while in Destiny your reticle and

I wasnt going to respond but it just hit me why you feel this way, its the bullet hit registration.