I think Jersey drivers are great. It’s the rest of the country who sucks at driving.
I think Jersey drivers are great. It’s the rest of the country who sucks at driving.
Phillies fans know, well maybe others too, but yes:
Volkswagen, you listening? Golf Wagon in GTI or R form or both, please. There are plenty of us out here in a similar situation.
1972 Pontiac GTO, hell I was raised in it since birth. Bench seats and all. Minivans..WTF, really? Is this what we have become? And fuck convenience, Save your soul man. I had two newborns in the back seat of my 1997 Trans Am and El Camino. Sounds like the wife wants the minivan.
Keep the car you have. So many people rush out to get boring ass crossovers and other huge cars they don’t need as soon as they find out a kid is on the way. The GTI will handle 99% of all the kid hauling duties (including the stroller). I’ve managed with my one kid and a Focus just fine and my non-car guy buddy with…
Same for me. But only because I have no retirement savings and will probably work until I drop dead anyway.
Yep. That’s not what I want to see out of an extra inning game. What I do want to see is the amusing spectacle of position players pitching, but mandating that would probably be a bit much.
You know where I stand on the styling. Side-by-side with a GTI, the lesser car looks sportier in my opinion. As an enthusiast, I can spot an R, but there is something a bit too understated and bland about it.
I love the Civic Type R, but I have a very hard time spending my adult money then bringing that thing to my adult job.
An early FA pitch for Mike Trout
Remember, as others have been saying recently, the right are snowflakes: cold, white, and when the appear in large numbers, they close schools.
God I hope he’s as miserable as we all think he is. I also hope he lives for many more years, and has to live with the shame he’s brought on our country and on his stupid family name. I hope people still protest him and mock him long after his inevitable impeachment. I hope this fucker pays for the damage he’s done.
You can’t organize a sex party, you just have to let it happen.
So many of these alternates annoy me. I loved the World Series last year, but it bugged me that both teams wore their alts for Game 7. Royal blue vs. dark blue, for the championship, ugh. That game needed white and grey jerseys, thank you very much.
+27 8x10 glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.
The Norris Division.
They should offer incentives on these deals. Like if within 10 years, your team doesn’t win a championship game, you pay for your own stadium. If you win a championships, the city pays for half of it. Every year you don’t make the playoffs, you have to build a school (to code) that accommodates x many students.
But, let’s face it. After eating a bunch of shelled pistachios, your fingers taste delicious as well.
They seem about as Seeger as anyone can get.
Honorable Mention: the Reykjavik Grapevine Twitter account during Euro Cup.