Crash Comet

Yeah. Bannon and his pseudo-intellectual crowd have been fawning over Hazony’s “The Virtue of Nationalism” for awhile. It’s perfect for the far-right. It combines tendentious and factually incorrect history with an overly simplistic and cherry-political political narrative that miraculously absolves their preferred

Correct. Their degree of self-responsibility is very low.

How long before Trump appoints Kirk to an administration position?

Clinton admitted to be at party’s where marijuana was smoked and this was in the 90's. Obama did coke. Like, why is he playing around the edges with this shit in 2019? Is this guy a secret narc? lol

So that’s why his suit always looks rumpled and ready for the cleaners. He’s hiding his cape under his jacket.

 Unironically agree.

First thing you are stealing a joke that has been made a million times before.  You are lame.   Secondly people like hearing what Bernie has to say so the joke doesn’t even apply.  

Senates fuck up State government also.

I’m a Pats fan and watched yesterday, but I haven’t really been watching much football. Even yesterday I really didn’t have the anxiousness that I had following other games. It was like whatever, if they win they win, if they lose they lose. 

Like all Trumpies, Coulter plays along and pretends the “wall” is real and not a blatant Trump construction scam, even though it couldn’t possibly be any more obvious. The lurid “border crisis” narrative he swiped from a lurid B-movie is just his pitch, stealing the “wall” money is the real goal. Those who dismiss

About 30% of Americans will back Trump without question on ANYTHING. These are the people who admit to proudly holding racist views in phone interviews. This is the racist core at the heart of America.

If you really cared about border security you’d be at the border building the wall yourself instead of shitposting on the internet.

Yeah, that’s just drunk Tasha banging a sex toy, mostly because Gene Roddenberry was kind of a pervert and was obsessed with the sexual habits of the aliens and cultures he created. He envisioned humanity’s enlightenment of the future extending to its sexual proclivities, and as such kept pushing for stories in which

Whose underwear was that anyway?

I know Seth MacFarlane is an atheist, but he must be thanking the gods on a nightly basis that he was able to get Penny Johnson Jerald for The Orville. None of the other actors on this show has the chops to have pulled this off as well as she did, especially when she was angry and hurt while understanding that’s just

Since I don’t stutter, I can only assume you heard me.

It’s adorable that you think Splinter pays actual copy editors.

Israel is garbage because of its settler-colonial nature, not because “Jews are rich.” Don’t do Zionists’ work for them by conflating Israel and Judaism.

Yes, because the Soviet bloc famously fell in 1969. Sorry, but if it happened without free trade, free trade doesn’t get the credit. There’s a reason Pakistan is underdeveloped compared to India.