Crash Comet

 He actually exceeded my expectations. He’s been in Asia for almost a week and hasn’t used the phrase “We in the U.S love you long time!”

I would generally avoid the subject of “building up chemistry” with anyone who had such easy access to Polonium-210. 

<aggressively @'ing Kate McKinnon's delightful Obama-obsessed SNL Merkel character>

Obama definitely had chemistry with Merkel. And the Danish Prime Minister that he took a selfie with at Mandela’s funeral that Michelle death-stared him for.

Trump is in Vietnam? I guess the bone spurs cleared up from whichever foot they were totally in (he can’t remember [even though he has one of the all-time great memories *holy shit is this really life, please someone wake me up*])

“(Obama) had zero chemistry with Putin.” I think that may be more revealing of his own relationship with Putin than he intended.

What do you expect from a hick paper rep’ing a city named after the misspelling of “Mussels”?

Trump is like a luddite Civ player sticking to 19th century technology, sure to believe that he’ll beat the other players that’ll soon head for Alpha Centauri and just leave him behind.

China is developing floating solar panels to use on flooded coal mines, and we’re over here desperately clinging to coal when even the coal barons are telling us coal is dead. We’re going to be decades behind on technology because we’re stubborn.

It’s 2017 and there are still people on the internet who think getting angry and shouting “TUMBLR SJW!” into the void counts as an opinion.

China and India were scheduled to build hundreds of new coal plants to satisfy the energy consumption of their growing economy. Both countries have scrapped those plans in favor of solar energy, not because they love the environment so much, but because coal used to be the cheapest form of energy - and now it’s

Given that nearly 1/6th of the world’s carbon emissions, and a whopping 16.1 Tons/per capita of CO2 (one of the highest in the world)are emitted by the US, moving on without the US probably won’t be enough to prevent catastrophic global warming.

*rape allegations.

Moore: “Leviticus doesn’t say anything about 14-year-old girls, does it?”

Leave it to an Alabama newspaper to misspell a six-letter word.

I’ll just have to star every comment of yours until then. It’s a shame when the only one who gives a shit about the rules is in the greys

Bannon dream candidate. Even though this is Alabama, Moore would represent a significant victory for fucking Bannon if he can get him elected. It says, “I can put a racist, misogynist, homophobic child abuser in the US Senate, and there isn’t a goddamn thing you can do about it.”

“Hello, I’m Roy Moore and I’d like to rub the genitals of your 14 year old girl.”

I guess it’s easy to get mothers’ permission when you’re the judge deciding on their custody rights.