Crash Comet

Can you give an example of a company which has shut down because it was profitable, but didn't part out enough in dividends? When has this thing, which you claim EVERY person and institution will do at a certain level of Profit But Not Enough Profit, ever happened?

Please explain in detail why the Green New Deal would "tear down" the United States of America, when no other jobs program in our history has

Yes, go back to the... economy you came from? Do you take a lot of comments as incitements to time travel?

Right, except we’re talking about a single, prexisting house, without available alternatives, so this analogy is straight-up gibberish. A better one would be “look, do you really want to try and fix this roof when so much of it ISN’T leaking? You say part of the house is flooded, but it isn’t leaking in my room, so

Your implication that the Constitutional powers of the Congress are not something she “knows how to operate” is unintentionally truthful

Not impugning or accusing another member of the body (Sessions was a sitting senator at the time) is a pretty universal and necessary parliamentary rule, even if it does lead to unfortunate situations like this. The real lesson is:

People don’t find boldness intimidating in a leader. All previous dates supports this. Also we weren’t a democracy until like like 1971 at the earliest, so plenty of post-colonial states have us beaten there (cool and sane that you think the EU’s second and third most populous countries are “high school sized” tho).

“Minor course corrections and simple, reasonable fixes” might be the only thing people will consistently vote against, my good bitch. It didn’t work for Romney, Dole, Bush I, Carter, Humphrey, Stevenson, Hoover, or McClellan, but no, surely, THIS time people are totally gonna come around on Buchananism. Because that

Not even necessary. Graham has always been a spineless lackey. He’s just Smithers, not the Manchurian Candidate.

This is not a fact of preference in those districts, it’s a fact of gerrymandering. “Swing” seats are a byproduct of trying to create as many Safe Seats as possible, not a natural fact of democracy.

“Nebulous?” Campaign donations are a matter of public record, dick.

$5 in 1985 had the purchasing power of a little more than $11 today. I wouldn’t put it past them to mention it just for that, they’re writing for an audience that uses Google, after all. It does still seem like slightly not enough to bribe a carny with, but I don’t know, I’ve never been much for the rides.

Dammit, the Ninth Ring is the coldest one, Six and Seven are where people get lit on fire

The inclusion of stuff like the Department of Energy has always been a direct reference to the arms race. It’s not the eighties unless all your anxieties are connected to The Bomb.

We also, like, anyway knew about it tho

Are you kidding me? Read the comment again

Maybe if you gave any reasoning at all for your incredibly specific assertions, this wouldn’t happen to you so often.

He definitely wasn’t the first serious black candidate for president in the last three generations, if that’s what you're talking about.

Then your decision-making system isn’t worth keeping unless it gets radically reformed. Threatening to ditch, or something worse, like insisting on bringing your KFC into the Indian restaurant, is the only kind of individual action that might help provoke that reform.

No death camps start out as death camps. It just hasn’t ever happened in the history of the world. Especially the Nazi ones. Having people in concentration camps of any kind is the transition from stage five to stage six of a genocide. The actual extermination doesn’t come until stage seven. There’s no point in trying