I wonder if it’s ever occurred to climate scientists that that massive effort to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s to stop acid rain has had a warming effect?
I wonder if it’s ever occurred to climate scientists that that massive effort to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s to stop acid rain has had a warming effect?
As an arcade junky, looks cool. I like the idea of making table-top arcades more so, as they can get away with smaller dimensions. It bothers me that they say it’s “full-size”, since the specs clearly states it’s 15.4" wide, and the Arcade 1-Up’s, are around 19" wide. This is far from full-size.
I want the rivals in the main games to be more like this.
In this economy, he was probably working as a back up camera smh
More info! Porsche’s people told me there’s an air deflector you can activate manually to solve the wind noise problem, which I wasn’t aware of while driving the car, but could resolve my beefs with noise. (Regardless, I stand by my recommendation re: Do a thorough test drive if you want to buy one.)
Listen, I don’t want to come off as an asshole here. There’s no doubt in my mind that there are a ton of wonderful, immensely talented people at 343and I wish them nothing but the absolute best...but there’s no real nice way of saying this, so I’ll just say it...
343 was a mistake and MS should have let Halo go after…
Well, Covid and the overwhelmingly negative response to the graphics in the gameplay demo. From statements that came out of 343i after the showing I think they were under the impression people would be far more impressed than they actually were.
Recently bought a 2019 Targa GTS 991.2 - I don’t like the 992s and was able to get a good discount on the outgoing model. For me, the Targa is the perfect balance between couple and convertible, though I am probably biased by living in the Seattle area - AWD is necessary and a full convertible would get less top-down…
I’m cool with him being locked up, I just didn’t realize that threatening to burn something down was a crime. In my life, I feel like I’ve heard at least 20 people say, “I’ll burn this b*tch down,” especially in liquor stores in Detroit. Most of those people also yelled a “racial insult” to the people working in the…
I'm going to assume you are in the business or finance world and have been watching this debacle with horror like me. The press hasn't even scratched the surface on the fraud throughout PPP. Buckle up.
Breaths through mouth, dresses like a 5 year old, thinks he is the center of the universe. Checks out.
I have owned the following BMW cars all of which I enjoyed:
These are lots faster with the six, and they fit larger people better.
It’s interesting to see (ponder? contemplate?) how a sport with no American (USA) competitors interacts with a movement that is very US-centric (even if the underlying issue is global in scope).
Hey Bradley, you are incorrect about the top speed. If you go to the IMSA timing results, you will see that nearly every DPi car hit 200 mph repeatedly.
“Not only will the NASCAR racers be hitting higher top speeds—touching 190 at least twice per lap”