
Seriously, FUCK THIS. I am so fucking sick of how pathetic and lazy Bungie is being. I finally uninstalled yesterday when this bullshit didn’t show or update anything unless the sun is there. Like the fuck? There’s no way you wouldn't be able to see something that size, that close in the normal skybox at night

So what is your solution? You and the 30 other retards that starred your post? No police at all? Ill wait

You clearly have no idea how the real world works

Seriously, if any protestor truly stands out in the middle of the road to purposely block me from passing, they’re getting run over, which is legal in my state, thanks to the retard protests of 2016

In NC, you’re allowed to run them over

Fair enough, I was referring to this specific time though, I still feel that something is going to also happen with the other 3 cops for punishment, but either way I see this as progress

1 - They did...

My guy, what you, and all the others, clearly don’t get it; none of it matters without a solution. You just indirectly proved this by what you just said. All of the stuff that’s been tried doesn’t work, because there’s no clear solution in mind. What are you asking/begging/voting for if it literally cant be given to

Yes, they instigated the violence.../s

I, and I’m sure everyone else, would love for that to happen, but the reality is, there will always be bad people, nothing will stop that. So with that issue in mind, we need a solution that addresses this, which is what I’m still searching and waiting for

Smiling in an exotic immediately makes you an asshole to anyone else

My Huracan was the most reliable exotic Ive ever owned... However in context of thee age of Italians we’re talking about here, you  might want to go ahead and just light yourself on fire to save you the time

Why are people so dumb

Im sorry, I read that whole thing, and maybe I missed it, but what exactly is your solution?...

Oh trust me, I know this exists, but you have to remember, back then, the Challenger was alighter” car

Is this an Evangelion joke? If so, well done

Season 2 almost killed it for me as well, started watching 3 to about half way, and then started over from 2 and appreciated much, much more

Lmao lets be real, idiots choosing to believe things that are so stupid is not dangerous, natural selection will just take it’s course

Is this still even a thing?... You sound like someone no one likes, Ill call you Booster

Wow, I noticed the horrible handle placement in the leak photos they posted the other day but I missed the odd vent angles, which I know can’t un-see either