
Thank you, I’ve been saying this for years, don’t know wtf everyone is smoking. Wait nvm, I do

If I had to guess, I think the timer is for a turn/move/attack from the enemy

I am beyond hyped for this except for the new ring battle layout

Its not, but he’s saying it would be better written as the music joke (C#), which I agree

Im in such a toxic relationship with Destiny, I think we need to go to counseling

Theres a difference between an actual grind (like leveling), and a grind that doesn’t guarantee progression. This is the latter, and no one in this world finds it enjoyable as the event can fail if you have incompetent players with you. I hopped on Tuesday in hopes to actually contribute to this event, and doing this

Most the writers on this site are petty. Sad to see Justin evolving in to this mentality as when I met him when he first started writing for jalop, he was very different

Well here’s the truth:

you must be fun at parties

Only people who hate their Mothers would ever give them a Rapide...

What make’s you think this was his dad’s car? (I didn’t read the article fully so if it mentions it, my b)

“it’s impossible to fit a new stereo into the dashboard”

The problem is, these have be eaten within minutes of being made (seriously, like 3 min or less) or they deteriorate rapidly, which I can see in your photo were way past this threshold

I’d like to see this data

Youre joking right? You and all the 54 others that starred your comment? Please, please tell me you’re joking

Ive never felt so personally targeted by a marketing campaign

You sound like a lazy Brit

That’s not what I said, I was saying intelligent women as in its a qualification of being a surgeon. Basically a better way of saying what I said would be that not many self respecting women want to choose a field in which they point out or fix “flaws” of other people. Anyone can get plastic surgery if they want,

I love that I have the power to make you to waste your time to find a picture, but weirdly, and somehow amazingly, he doesn’t look like the cartoon still, and either way, he isn’t a face to represent an entire race of people. Congrats on your finding, but better luck next time

You’re not buying a car, you’re buying an experience