glad someone else said it
glad someone else said it
It’s also the cheapest Lamborghini
You’re literally on a fast track to becoming my least favorite contributor on this site with irrelevant lines like this
Im over 6' tall, my buddy is 6'6" 320 lbs, we both fit comfortably in super cars and his personal car is a 4 door coupe, fuck outta here with the you need space nonsense, im sure all of you (potentially none) arent over 6'4", you fit fine in normal, unless you’re obese, which is your fault
IP is a hell of a thing, the actual work to make the IP a reality can be found and done anywhere
I was dragged to Rainforest Café for the first time in at least a decade at the beginning of this year completely dreading it, and you know what... it wasn’t bad at all. In fact it actually exceed my expectations pretty pleasantly and was way better than I remember it being as a teen.
Call me crazy but I almost prefer the old visuals.
You’re opinion is dumb
Wait... so you’re tell me the next gen RX, the Mazda coupe, is going to be more powerful than the Supra?...
I leave all my vehicles unlocked except my SUV, because it is the only vehicle I’ll sometimes leave things in. I was not always this way but I eventually started to leave the others unlocked after I had my first targa vehicle (94 Supra). It simply took too much time to put the roof on and take it back off when I…
So Lamborghinis did Lamborghini things
With all the different C&C’s out there, and the sheer numbers of clones and organizers, its amazing to me that none of the organizers can think of a solution that works... except for Atlanta
She was always one of the worst and dumbest writers on here, glad she’s gone
You got jokes if you think that 3rd row is actually used ever
Hmm It’s almost like manufacturers have been claiming higher numbers in a certain other efficiency statistic for years... something like a distance you can go using a gallon of something... idk i cant remember
“Car is a rare head turner”
I was responding very sarcastically literal (is that an accepted word combo?)
Not if my car is faster...
Decided to do it in the safer awd car with it being colder out and otw home with less people on the road, somehow no one died
Sounds like someone needs some throwing lessons for Christmas