Crap Time Lord

12, apparently.


I made a resolution a couple of years ago: no white, male, cis, straight authors (except for the occasional anthology entry). Honestly, I haven’t missed them.

I actually went to a talk by Sphero, the company that makes the BB-8 toy, where they explained how they were approached by Disney after seeing their rolling ball robot toy. Quite brazenly, BB-8 was created as a merchandising ploy. The character didn’t even exist until Disney saw the rolling ball toy, and hired Sphero

A great place to start is Obviously, it’s not comprehensive, but it has something like 20,000 entries. In general, most American microbrews tend to be safe. Most of the time, it’s UK breweries that are using traditional recipes that use animal somewhere in the process. I know New Castle stuff is off the

As a vegan, I completely agree with you. I knew what I was giving up when I went vegetarian and the even larger amount I was losing when I went vegan. I was fine with that, but the chance to drink Guinness again is definitely something I’m looking forward to!

Le Sigh... lightsabers are not made of light\photons. They are made of plasma concentrated and forged into the shape of a blade by manipulating magnetic forces. The hilt both generates the plasma and the magnetic containment field that gives the blade its shape. Not that this is scientifically possible or anything, I

They are and they aren’t.

What is YOUR favorite way that Star Wars could troll audiences?”

No, you’re not the only one noticing the pre-existing wang in those shorts.

I thought it was giant space wasps.

I’m pretty sure they explained what happened in the Doctor Who episode “The Wasp and the Unicorn.”

Like flies, thank the swamp gods. Ken Livingstone, former mayor of London, is quite fond of breeding them. Yes, I know too much about frogs. But they do breed readily.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, that outfit is clearly already black. And the boots are blue.