
Yeah, instead of F-bombs he should have 100% called for their executions. I’d get behind that language even more so than fucks being involved.

Suck a dick.

Scooter says max capacity is 220 lbs.

Scooter says max capacity is 220 lbs.

I mean wherever they are, they’re probably fleeing from your mayo loving, no soul having, inbred ginger ass.

Aside from like ATCO, The Pine Barrens, and the Shore, South Jersey goes blue. North Jersey has as many rich right wingers as the South does rednecks.

This guy is just finding the small pockets of cracker peckerwoods and libertaridouches, that clutch pearls living near Camden, to come out to his COVID party. All these

Maybe this cunt should take his own advice.

What the fuck are you smoking? Game is unforgiving. Original was nowhere near as tough to control. Yall are on some of that good drugs.

Controls are atrocious and its WAY unforgiving.

Russian prostitute cunt 

I thought black people wanted police reform, not more police. Biden and Harris are cops.

LOL to the idea that black people won’t let it happen. You know damn sure that if yall get an iota of power, white people are getting kicked the fuck out of whatever country you create, at best, and getting murdered in the streets at worst. 

What the fuck happened to this bitch’s face?



Why the fuck would you buy a $350 travel tripod? My professional video tripod and photo tripod were that much and they feature bells and whistles galore. Yuck.

Why the fuck would you buy a $350 travel tripod? My professional video tripod and photo tripod were that much and

Wow, so brave to post this. 

And that man’s name: Albert Einstein.

You’re out in the world. You’re not coughing, but you enter an area someone coughed in. The cloth mask MIGHT NOT help, but it also might. The exterior is DEFINITELY covered in droplets (treat it that way). Come home, strip, wash yo shit. 

This page is a toxic waste dump

Shut the fuck up Meg.

Shut the fuck up Meg.