
So your nightmare scenario would be Supper Club reviews by Oliver Sava?

Sorry, meant to say season two of Daredevil.

No more Oliver Sava reviews? Sweet Christmas!

This is set before the events of Daredevil or for that matter, Civil War, so no.

Schiff: Take the rest of the week off.
McCoy: It's Friday Adam.
Schiff: …so it is. See you Monday.

Really, you can bypass Sava's reviews and just read hers instead. Her reviews are no less critical, but definitely more well-written by comparison.

From Sava? The same guy who writes paragraphs about how he didn't care for Henry Rollins in Legend of Korra, but called Ming Hua an Airbender? Or spends every other review complaining about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D's visual style, but confused Lance Hunter with the actor's name?

HBO's retool of Sesame Street really did a number on Cookie Monster.

You say sabotage, I say sabataage.

I'm assuming that Legends of Tomorrow takes place before this episode as the only logical reason why Oliver forgot to ask Ray for help here.

Where are the little note things?

This editorial missed completely missed the point of playing light side, or a Jedi character, entirely.

Good thing there was a doctor nearby with a trusty pocket knife.

Here's hoping Constantine brought his smoking on-screen with him.

This was more critically thought out than any of Oliver Sava's reviews for the series. This is how you should write about gender issues, not "the woman aren't kicking ass themselves, therefore they aren't strong female role models, therefore the show is sexist."

Notes from the first draft of this episode:

So he's proactive huh?

Well, its, its kind of a love song. All the monsters enjoying each others company, dancing…holding their evil in check.

Much like another classic buffoon from days gone by.

Who chooses the header pictures? Because that picture of Slade Wilson behind Oliver's grimace is rather…suggestive.