
When they stone the men, they can psychologically get into it because of what the commanders have done to them. This is the complete opposite. And those letters June read were a reminder that not a single one of those women is actually ok with being raped, they are all just pretending and cooperating out of fear,

It doesn't really make a difference if she isn't a real amputee, because the key issue is representation. When have you seen an amputee on TV? Yes, amputee fetishists exist, but if that's the only context in which amputees appear, don't you think that's a problem?

I was really disappointed by the scene in the elevator with the guy kissing the woman missing a hand. Like, how often does an actress with no hand get a role? And it has to be this three-second, non-speaking part, in a scene meant to be the epitome of the horror and creepiness that is the brothel—like, the scene is

I think you'll find that when she was writing the book, feminism was deeply divided over the issue of porn. There's more than one version of feminism out there.

Well this just goes to show how subjective looks are. I think Castillo is one of the most attractive men I've ever seen.

The thing is though her end goal has never been for her personally to stay alive, but for things to be better for her people; and not only is clarke right that endless war is not actually an optimal way to live, but they might not win against pike in the current configuration, because of the guns. I am hoping that she

you say that and yet large numbers of americans support donald trump….

I actually loved this episode. I felt like it captures exactly what non-monogamy promises (but of course doesn't always deliver); that you can have a brief sexual/romantic interaction with someone that has real intimacy and chemistry, but doesn't have to lead to anything more, and doesn't have to have anything to do

The show isn't presenting Tyrell as closted gay man/evil homosexual, it's presenting him as amoral bisexual. Which is pretty much how bisexuals are always represented; see the Underwoods. It's cliched, problematic, and made me like the show less.