how dare you
I was never so shocked as when I discovered there were people actually upset at Target’s decision not to label toy sections by gender. Just genuinely flummoxed.
I looked at the form though and they only send birthday greetings to people turning 80 or older, and veterans turning 70 or older. Methinks this is a setup.
Ohhhhh this is a good answer. Thanks. I UNGREY YOU BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME BY JEZ
The fiscal year for the federal government ends on Sept 30, if they can’t agree on a budget for FY16 before then the government is effectively “shut down” because it cannot spend any $$$$.
“This is as frustrating as seeing shampoo that doesn’t say it’s for men or women.” If it’s more expensive, that’s usually a reliable indication that it’s for women.
I welcome our future androgynous overlords tbh
Great, now when my daughter says she wants to go as Mulan in armor for Halloween, I’ll have to figure out for myself if that makes her a deviant, why can’t you just tell me what my children can wear, Disney! This is as frustrating as seeing shampoo that doesn’t say it’s for men or women, how am I supposed to tell if…
this is such a white-guy thing to do
I think a lot of it is based on total ignorance of Islam and most of these morons don’t even know about Salat. You give people way too much credit. All they know is “they ain’t Christians, so they’re with Satan.”
Lost in all the Muslimania is the sheer incoherence of Trump’s answer: “There’s some things and we’ll look at them and other things.”
What’s important is that they understand that not knowing they are beautiful is what makes them beautiful and also they are amazing just the way they are (as long as when you compliment them they act like they don’t believe you). Girls, don’t be that kind. Maintain that air of self-loathing or risk being labeled as…
You have to love how teaching girls “confidence” is on the menu while teaching boys about college, careers and salaries. I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that if the girls had the opportunity to learn about planning for their future, they’d be a lot more confident. Radical idea, I know.
I don’t think anybody’s allowing or not allowing anything.
No hate here. As a nurse I get to see how other nurses work every day. Some of us are actually shit hot at our jobs. We recognise when some thing isn’t quite right, assess the patient, institute the proper interventions and get early assistance for our patients. We are compassionate and kind and care about our…
Yeah, they just kept pushing and pushing even though there was a lot of resistance... suddenly... POP.