As someone who grew up in a rural and extremely racist area, I assure you: people are aware of the racist version, and still say it with regularity.
As someone who grew up in a rural and extremely racist area, I assure you: people are aware of the racist version, and still say it with regularity.
Well, since your opinion is clearly some sort of objective truth, thanks for saving everyone the trouble. Since, you know... there’s no way that anyone could maybe have different tastes or like different things than you.
No, he wouldnt. He sucks and is monotone and cant act. But sure, other than that maybe...
So in other words, you havent actually watched it and are basing this uninformed opinion on nothing but a short trailer. Which is if course always a smart thing to do!
Because this isnt a horror movie, maybe? Or maybe. ecause they just arent any fun? I dont even like Rob Zombie, but everyone seems to be either completely missing the point or blasting it for not being some hypothetical movie that they wanted it to be. It’s a goofy, campy love letter to the original with fun…
I... feel like you're kind of missing the point.
You... dont know why a married boss cheating with his engaged fiancee should permanently derail his place? I mean... did you literally just not think about it for 1 second? The reasons are pretty obvious common sense.
They are one of the bigger and more long-lived channels on YouTube. But hey, "I personally dont know them therefore they are irrelevant and it's dumb that people care" is always a very smart and nuanced take... dumb. If you like the game, then you will play 100 matches. If you’re casual and just want to play a few matches, then the extra unlockable characters are completely irrelevant and you can play FOR FREE with those that are available...FOR FREE.
You are the absolute worst. Insufferable. Complaint after complaint about a complete non-issue. No matter how much you desperately strive to frame it as such, this is not even remotely offensive or predatory on Blizzard’s part. It’s not even mildly irritating, let alone does it justify your ridiculously inordinate…
What a travesty that a small fraction of players will only be able to play the game FOR FREE with MOST of the characters, or spend 33% less than most new games cost to skip a little time and unlock everything immediately (something that other genres have been doing for many years without complaint, btw).
Jesus christ... shut up. It’s nothing. This is an amazingly stupid thing to complain about. You dont have to pay $40 (which is still far less than most new games, btw). If you play the game and enjoy it, you will unlock everything naturally in little time. Nothing in that $40 gives you a competitive advantage. It’s…
First of all, this is a complete non-issue and isnt even remotely as egregious as you are desperately trying (and failing) to make it sound. It’s literally nothing. There is nothing here to be even slightly annoyed by, let alone outraged and offended.
You dont seem to actually understand what a pun is. Because that is, in no way, a pun.
He’s right, Arry Potter (both the books and movies) is terrible. I've been saying this since day 1, and I will die on this hill. The most uncreative and unimaginative fantasy world I've ever come across.
Are you illiterate, too lazy to actually read the article/details, or just willfully fucking stupid?
....the article explicitly states that the police chief is attempting to have them decertified.
Te article explicitly states that they are attempting to have them all decertified.
When did this site become so inept? Hpw do you completely fail yo mention what she did to violate her parole, in an article explicitly about her violating her parole? Not only that, but you walk right up to proclaiming the cause... and then just randomly take a u-turn for no reason. Just amazingly inept journalism.
We shouldnt have to look ot up when we are currently on an article explicitly about that very thing, which still somehow fails to actually mention the very thing at the heart of the topic. They walk right up to it, then randomly take a turn. It’s amazingly dumb, and indicative of a conpletely inept writer/journalist.