Cranky Messiah

You are just full of amazingly stupid and smooth-brained takes...

What an amazingly stupid comment. You realize there are different types of horror movies, right? That a very large number of them aren’t gory and dont fit any of your dumb descriptions? But sure, let's just pretend like the entire genre is the same as a Rob Zombie movie and there is no difference between any of them.

Hell, the entire slasher genre is based on chastising teenagers for promiscuity and drug use.”

Gee, I cant imagine why their agent wouldnt tell them to stop working for a while to sort their life out...

Lol... you expect DC movies to stay accurate to certain representations of a character? I highly doubt most people involved know the difference between Barry Allen, Jay Garrick, and Wally West. They are all just fast dudes in a red suit. They dont give a shit about staying accurate to a certain incarnation, or staying

Tthose aren't mutually exclusive, you know...

We are all very impressed by how tough and cool you are.

You cant be fucking serious. There is nothing remotely comfusing about that passage. Who is the subject of the sentence? Clearly, Miller. You know, the name ar the beginning of the statement that the entire fucking sentence is referring to? Why in fuck’s name would “they” refer to a different entity that not only isnt

It’s only co fusing if you’re an absolute moron. This really isnt difficult. How are there so many complete and utter dumbasses bitching about the same non-existent problem on this article?

It really isnt difficult to follow or confusing in any way, and everyone bitching about it is either amazingly stupid or amazingly disingenuous. Which are you?

Mmethinks that you haven’t seen people do a LOT of cocaine, then.

It’s driving me up the wall. I refuse to believe this many people are actually this dumb and uninformed, so i assume they are disingenuous conservative trolls.

You cant actually be this goddamn stupid for real, right?

Most people have no idea who the hell Ezra Miller even is, and in no way whatsoever is Smith’s career destroyed. You know full well he'll be headlining major movies again within 2 years.

They are extremely liberal, from what I understand, so definitely the alien underwear route.

That sounds fascinating and wonderful, and now I am very interested to learn about the methed-out perspective on Jinco's and Alien Nation.

The Hermes Trismegistus reference is so bizarre, and implies that they are interested (at the least) in the occult. I... dont think that’s a commonly known name outside of the occult and random ancient history buffs, right?

There’s no fucking way you’re actually this goddamn stupid and uninformed. I’m still not buying it. Get a better troll act.

I have a hard time believing that you could genuinrly be this f**king stupid and ignorant, which leads me to assume that you’re just being a disingenuous MAGA asshole. Fuck off.
