
“This prospect is infuriating to abortion opponents because it is something they can’t control.”

There’s something deeply sad about the fact that he didn’t reach his own 100th birthday. 

Sutton laughing in her face and looking shocked at her behavior while making all of the barbs behind her back is the most southern way to fight back, and Erika knows it because she grew up poor in Georgia and spent her whole life trying to prove she was as good as the Suttons. Notice her insults to Sutton are that

he’s here, he’s there, he’s fucking vaporware

Although I am generally not one to promote violence, I wish that just one time when Erika’s hisses and bares her teeth at someone that they’d grab that faux ponytail and dog walk her ass out into the street. I’m tired of seeing her over-the-top thuggish behavior towards people that she knows are too weak or

Dave Grohl has sensible realised that he can’t afford to fight against children on two fronts, so he has sued for peace with Nandi Bushell and will now concentrate his forces on the Nevermind baby.

I would love to see Sutton laugh at her and dare her to hire a hitman with her broke ass. She’s in no position to threaten anyone. She’s going to jail.

Just tell all the vaccine refusers that if they don’t get theirs, the doses are going to go to people in foreign countries.  I guaran-fucking-tee you that it’ll send all those red state half-idiots scrambling for the nearest CVS/Walgreens/Piggly Wiggly/wherever to get double-doses.  

Based on how Dershowitz himself described the encounter, I think it’s more accurate to say Dershowitz accosted David. Because apparently what happened was Dershowitz saw David in the store and said hello to him, and David ignored him and walked away, and Dershowitz followed him with the “We can still talk” bullshit.

Best season of Curb Your Enthusiasm ever. Leaving LA for Martha’s Vineyard was a great idea.

Wow; you went from 0 to Asshole on very little fuel.

The decision followed a heated school board meeting that found parents, educators, and members of the medical community debating both sides of this argument

Can we get a first dose for kids under 12?

Putting aside the Instagram account in question here, I personally know numerous people who have been introduced to certain issues and started to learn about them because it’s been converted to into more digestible forms of content on social media. That includes black folks learning about black issues. It’s ended up

“there is something to be said for the fact that Marvel jumped at the chance to replace a Black man with a white woman in its promotional materials.”

I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day.

Uh... That really makes him sound like a cult leader.

Assad and his allies killing in Daraa, Idlib, Hama... just another day in a war that much of the West thinks is over, and whose victims people on both the right and left smear as ISIS.

The $$$ is the biggest factor, and it seems like he really loves the power too. As far as I know he hasn’t really succeeded at much in life other than producing a very famous daughter, and I think the control he has over her and every minute detail of her life is intoxicating.

I can’t believe that a competent judge doesn’t take one look at this rolling disaster and throw Jamie Spears in the nearest canal.