Let me clarify, then.
Let me clarify, then.
My daughter is currently in a quarantine dorm at another university after being exposed before classes even started. She texted a pic of her dinner yesterday and it looked like something from an ICE detention center.
I can’t get past the horrible tattoos. What is this trend among the youths to have tattoos that look like pre-school art?
I’m ok with the “Melania hates him” narrative if it pisses Donald off.
I would better understand the writer’s reaction if they were still a child living at home with their parents.
Is this a generational thing? As a cranky, former latch-key child of a non-helicopter mother, I find it puzzling that some “adults” make their parent’s relationships all about THEM.
Nice try, Cain Gang (I can’t even type that with a straight face), but Paul Howard didn’t lose the run-off because he charged a cop with murder. He lost because a number of serious allegations have emerged in just the last few weeks.
I can’t help but think that the Georgia gubernatorial race was a test run for both GOP fuckery and Russian interference. I am terrified that the Orange One will win again, and the now completely Republican-owned DOJ won’t do shit about it. I really hope I’m wrong, because the true popular vote won’t even be close.
I am honestly shocked that no journalists have figured this out yet.
I STILL don’t understand how agreeing to meet with foreign nationals to get dirt on the opponent was legal. Just because those particular Russians didn’t really have anything on Clinton doesn’t mean Don Jr didn’t go there with the intention of colluding with Russia to swing the election.
Yeah, I would not say that Ted and Don Jr “fell for” Russian propaganda. I would say they enthusiastically engaged with it.
I just googled her. She’s a family practice doc. More importantly, though, everyone on the internet is now talking about her DAP.
He asked his wife, a doctor, for her medical diagnosis. She suggests that they could have bacterial vaginosis, a yeast infection, or “most probably” trichomonas.
Yeah, I don’t get this AT ALL. I work in medicine, so I associate masks with badass, highly trained professionals. Do these manly men look at a scrubbed male surgeon and think, “what a sissy!”?
This is the natural result of decades of Republican-led efforts to undermine faith in government, public education, and trust in science. Only in America would the public allow a school superintendent with a degree in education and absolutely no expertise in epidemiology or infectious disease to force children and…
I decided to google this woman and just read her Wikipedia page. (Stefon voice) It has everything. Trump, prison, QAnon, and a Real Housewife.
One of whom was Courtney Stodden, so POINT TAKEN.