
But he’s short and stupid so he couldn’t possibly be complicit!

This season has been a disaster. Editing Scheana to look like she’s hitting on a teenager and Stassi to look like she’s a reasonable human is asking too much of the audience.

I always rooted for Kathryn Dennis when she was with Thomas since it really seemed like he was an emotionally abusive asshole who manipulated and gaslighted a much younger woman.

The British version was SO MUCH BETTER than the American (as is usual).

I wore Tobacco Vanille for YEARS because I read somewhere that it was rated one of the world’s sexiest scents. Then one day, my husband finally confessed that he hated the smell and only tolerated it because he loves me. Womp womp.

That’s an adorably grumpy looking baby.

Very amused that his bio uses the word “rolodexes” in 2020. 

Of course, I also thought Jackie won the lip sync, so perhaps my opinions on this week episode are questionable.  

Am I the only one who thought Crystal’s look was straight trash? I cannot believe the judges loved it.

Sorry, but we are not going to agree here. Going from blaming his staff for asking her to serve drinks at an event, saying “it’s his staff, not him,” to saying he physically assaulted her is not sharing more details.

I am super pissed that he didn’t wear a mask. I am also super pissed that not one person in the hospital had the balls to tell him to wear one or GTFO. 

The media didn’t cover it because of the reasons detailed by the prosector. This woman is all over the place with her story. She changed it again this weekend to say that she did not claim assault in the report no one can find.

That she timed this for maximal damage to Biden’s campaign once it was clear he would take the nomination and that she telegraphed this intention to a huge Bernie stan?

The Kardashians have a loooong history of cultural appropriation. Here’s a link to the last time she got dragged for it, which is just one of MANY examples. This picture is by no means the worst of her transgressions, but it just proves that she remains impervious to self reflection. I also think she looks dumb as

She has a history of being photographed in a way that makes her appear much darker than she really is. And being DRAGGED for it. Since the last “scandal” was mere months ago, I’m surprised that she still seems to have no self awareness.

You’d think as many times as this asshole has been accused (justifiably) of wearing blackface, that she would have gotten the god damned clue by now.


Agreed. I am so fucking depressed right now.

That Twitter thread needs to be on a god damned billboard. This is a ratfuck. 

Preferably at home so they can’t endanger the lives of the healthcare providers forced to take care of them.