
No man sky is a very strange game. It can frequently be tedious (in the same ways that all survival games can be). But I love it anyway. The rush from seamlessly jumping off a planet to bolt to bolt to another planet with no loading screens feels like magic. Although some systems seem a bit underdeveloped, the

Are you using the pulse engine with l1 + l2 or just the O boost. Ithe hasn't taken me more than a minute or two to get from one planet too another.

I think No Man Sky might be the best game to zone out stoned too I've ever played.

Grenades are key there. I was stuck until I built my own passage to the surface.

I finally beat Pillars of Eternity. It's a very competent homage to the Baldur's Gate series. Like it's predecessor, it has an insane amount variety in the way you can approach character builds and combat. And the fact that monsters don't provide experience does a lot to reduce grinding and encourage role playing. But

I should have specified Dragon Age Inquisition, but it's interesting the criticism works as well for the original.

Is Mario Golf on Wii-U? Is it any good? Is there local multiplayer?

I love the party interaction in Dragon Age. It made the slog through that games more boring areas tolerable.

I play as a rogue in basically every RPG

I just finished White March part 2. I still have to beat the final boss so I'll have some final thoughts next week.

Nearing the end of Pillars, I think it's time to play some DOOOOOOOOOM before No Man Sky comes out.

A. Being someone's slave is not really even similar to being their employee

My guess is either some people are desperate to have a hot take supposedly backed up by empiricism or they're just racist.

The argument was so blinkered that it blew my mind and ruined my Wednesday.

He got dog piled by people at least for being a horrible person.

I deleted my Facebook instead.

People are gross. A Facebook friend of a Facebook friend posted this gem as soon as my friend posted the video:

I haven't played a side scrollersince Rogue Legacy. But I'm not sure it's a good thing Infinite Jest isn't better than Jesus' Sony. And I'm not sure Pillars of Eternity is better than Oxenfree.

It's weird to me that I've played all the games with a high commitment level (but I still haven't proposed to my girlfriend) except The Witness or Dark Souls (not my thing). I've played 100 hours of Stellaris—that game is phenomenal though I'm waiting for Paradox to do the thing where they slowly make it the best

Go fuck your selfie!